10.2.2. Entering data in the PMHC Minimum Data Set What is the best way to manage the client key?

The Client Key needs to be stable for each individual within the provider organisation.

The PHN may decide to play a role in coordinating assignment and management of these keys for provider organisations.

See data specifications for Identifier management. Can you suggest a best practice approach to managing client keys?

We understand that PHNs and provider organisations will approach Identifier management in various different ways to best suit their practice. We suggest speaking with your PHN or another provider organisation in your network to understand their approach to managing their client keys.

Refer to the Department’s response to Questions about Unique Identifiers and ‘Keys’. Why can’t we use the SLK as the client key?

The client key is required to be a unique client identifier. The SLK isn’t a unique key and therefore not suitable to be used as the client key.

Refer to data specifications for Identifier management. How will the Master Client Index work?

The previous PMHC MDS specification required a client key that was unique and stable at the PHN regional level, not at the provider organisation level. The purpose of the master client index was to help PHNs and their provider organisations manage client information across the PHN region. This requirement proved problematic for PHNs and was worked through by the PMHC MDS working group.

To determine what issues existed with managing the client key and possible solutions, nine PHNs worked with Logicly (then Strategic Data) to describe their models for triaging patients, the information systems being used by PHNs and Provider Organisations, the ease of updating information systems and resources available for manual reconciliation of clients.

As a result of this work, a master client index is not possible at this time, and as such, will not be a requirement for full compliance from 1 July 2017.

See Master Client Index. Can I enter fictitious data as a part of testing?

The MDS is live and data uploads will be recorded. Real PMHC data can be trialled by uploading in test mode, whereas fictitious data should be trialled with a test organisation on developers.pmhc-mds.net.

See PMHC Developers Announcement. How do I find or create a Client’s Statistical Linkage Key (SLK)?

If you don’t have an internal system that can provide you with the client’s SLK, an SLK generator is available within the client data entry forms. Refer to the online User Guide Adding a New Client.

There is also a manual statistical linkage key generator available on the PMHC MDS website, under the Tools tab - https://pmhc-mds.net/#/slk. See SLK. How do I find what the Episode Key, Service Contact Key and Outcome Collection Occasion Key is?

The Episode Key, Service Contact Key, and Outcome Collection Occasion Key are the system unique identification keys that will need to be manually created and managed by your provider organisation.

Each record needs to be assigned a stable unique key within the provider organisation, in order to facilitate adding/updating/deleting each item when entering data.

See data specifications for Identifier management. How do I find what my Practitioner Key is?

The practitioner key is one of the system unique identification keys that will need to be manually created and managed by your provider organisation.

Data entry users can add a practitioner once they know their key. Refer to the online User Guide Adding a Practitioner. How can I edit a record’s identifying key?

Each record needs to be assigned a stable unique key within the provider organisation, in order to facilitate adding/updating/deleting each item when entering data.

You can edit a record’s identifying key you have entered within the data entry interface. There is an edit key button available when editing a records details.

See: How do I enter a referral?

A referral can be entered as an Episode.

An episode does not need to be concluded if the client requires as a new referral. If the treatment continues with a client, the service contacts can continue to be recorded to the original episode until treatment is formally concluded either clinically or administratively.

Refer to the online User Guide Episodes. How do I enter a K10+, or K5, or SDQ?

These measures tools, K10+, K5 and SDQ, are entered as an Outcome Collection Occasion.

Refer to the online user guide Outcome Collection Occasions. How can I delete a record I incorrectly entered?

You can delete a record you have entered within the data entry interface. There is a delete button available when viewing a records details.

However, if the record you are trying to delete has any dependant records, you will not be able to proceed with deleting the parent record until all the related dependant records have been edited or deleted.

See: Can I go back and enter information if I don’t have it at the time?

Yes, the MDS allows you to go back and enter information at a later date.

When data in the upload has the same identification key as recorded in the MDS, (e.g. client, practitioner, episode, service contact, and outcome collection keys) the data will automatically be updated for these files. The number of files present, created, and updated, are summarised on the successful upload notification email.

Refer to upload specification File format. Do I enter a Service Contact when a client doesn’t show up for the session?

Yes. A service contact record has a ‘No Show’ field and selecting the value ‘Yes’ indicates that the intended participant(s) failed to attend the appointment.

Some of the other service contact fields have a ‘no show’ option available to be selected. For any other service contact fields, please enter the response that would have been entered if the participant had attended the session.

You can decide to enter as much information as possible within a no show form, as long as it meet the ‘No Show’ validation guidelines for a service contact.

Refer to Service Contact. If the client is referred elsewhere (e.g. not suitable for this service) should this be recorded?

This decision depends upon your local guidelines.

Under the new PMHC MDS, an episode does not formally commence until the client receives their first service contact. For referrals that do not lead to a service contact, and where the person is referred elsewhere, there is no need to open an episode.

However the Department understands that many PHNs are likely to want to do this as a means to track referrals that do not lead to service contacts, or to begin entering data prior to the first service contact. Therefore, an episode can be set up in the system, even if it does not lead to a service contact. Standard reports to be developed will build in capacity to monitor these and ensure that they are not counted in service delivery indicators.

Where a referral is followed by an initial service contact, and the person is referred elsewhere due to being assessed as not suitable, or requires an alternative service, a new code for Episode - Completion Status has been added (‘Episode closed administratively - client referred elsewhere’). Why is an episode showing as uncommenced?

The episode definition states that ‘Episodes commence at the point of first contact. The episode start date will be derived from the first service contact date.’

When an episode does not have any service contacts added yet, it does not have a start date and the system will reported it as ‘Uncommenced’.

Refer to Episode. How can I close an episode?

To close an episode, you can edit a client’s episode details and enter an ‘Episode - End Date’ and update the ‘Episode - Completion Status’ value.

Refer to Editing a Client’s Episode data. What do I do if the GP / mental health provider has not given an answer to one or more questions in the minimum dataset?

Provider organisations should make every effort to ensure that the data entered into the MDS is as complete as possible. However, most data items specify a ‘Missing’ response. Where information is unavailable, please use this response item. The aim is to minimise missing data as much as possible.

Refer to Record formats for more information. By clicking the field name this will take you to the field definition which outlines the associated notes that provide guidance on the most suitable response. What are the options where the information collected does not fit into the available fields?

Each data item has associated notes that provide guidance on which response to use. By clicking on the Record formats field name this will take you to the field definition which outlines the associated notes.

Refer to Record formats. Where do I enter MHNIPS data collection?

The Department of Health is expecting all commissioned Mental Health Nursing services data from July 2016 to be entered into the PMHC MDS.

Refer to the Department’s response to Are services previously delivered under MHNIP expected to collect the PHMC MDS?. How can I capture client services under the 2020 Australian Government Mental Health Response to Bushfire Trauma?

The Department has recently announced the “Australian Government Mental Health Response to Bushfire Trauma”. From January 2020, there is now a reserved Episode Tag !br20 that can be easily selected or added to an Episode record if a new or existing client receives any services that meet the reporting requirements.

While services funded under the response must report in-scope activity using this tag, all PHNs may use this tag.

Refer to Reserved Tags - !br20. I have an error message but no idea what it means or how to fix it. What should I do?

Refer to Record formats for more information. Clicking the field name will take you to the field definition, which outlines the associated notes that provide guidance on the response to use. It will also inform you if there are any interrelated field requirements that can cause data errors.

If you are still unsure, please email the PMHC helpdesk on support@pmhc-mds.com and provide a description of where the error occurred, a screenshot if possible, and the error log number. The error log number is displayed at the end of the error message, e.g. [BVDS105Q], and will assist for the helpdesk in quickly identifying the error and providing you with a clear response about how to rectify the issue.