9. Environments

9.1. Production

The main (production) environment of the PMHC MDS is available at https://pmhc-mds.net/. Only real data that is to be reported to the Department of Health and Aged Care should be uploaded to this environment. A Developers environment is provided for testing third-party developed software against the PMHC MDS.

9.2. Developers

A secondary (developers) environment is available at https://developers.pmhc-mds.net/. The developers environment runs the same code revision as the production environment. This environment has been made available for testing and training purposes for PHNs, Provider Organisations and third-party developers.

Real client data should not be uploaded to https://developers.pmhc-mds.net/. The developers environment is being provided for the purposes of testing third-party developed software against the PMHC MDS only. Production data should only be uploaded to https://pmhc-mds.net/

Logicly reserves the right to delete data from the developers environment at any time should it become necessary. While we would provide prior notification of such an event, you should not assume historical data exists in the system when developing your testing procedures.

To set up an account on https://developers.pmhc-mds.net/ that has access to a test Primary Health Network, please provide us with a ‘Letter of Authority’ on your organisation or companies letterhead.

This letter must be signed by an authority at your company who holds a position that is higher than the person for whom the account is being created (i.e., the person’s manager or the CEO).

This letter must contain the following details (for the person for whom the MDS access is being requested):

  1. The name of the person the account is for
  2. The email address of the person
  3. Contact telephone number
  4. Mobile phone number
  5. Request access to the ‘Test [Your Organisation or Company Name]’
  6. This letter must be scanned and emailed to support@pmhc-mds.com.