5. Data model and specifications
5.1. Data model
There are three contexts where data can be submitted using the version 4 specification:
Intake teams
Treatment organisations
Combined Intake/Treatment organisations
Different records in the specification are intended to be used in each of these contexts.
Within the PMHC-MDS system a single intake team and individual service providers/treatment organisations will each have their own organisation path and report data against those organisations.
Below is the combined Intake/Treatment data model. If an Intake only or Treatment only organisation is submitting data, a sub set of this data model may be submitted. Please refer to Contexts for data models of the different contexts that may be submitted.
Fig. 5.1 PMHC MDS Version 4.0 combined data model
The above data model diagram is in the SVG format and can be enlarged or zoomed by opening in a new tab or window or by downloading it.
Fig. 5.2 PMHC MDS Version 4.0 Collection Occasion data model
See PMHC MDS Version 4.0 combined data model for more details about how Collection Occasion records fit into the overall structure.
5.2. Key concepts
5.2.1. Primary Health Network
Primary Health Networks (PHNs) have been established by the Australian Government with the key objectives of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of medical services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes, and improving coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.
5.2.2. Provider Organisation
The Provider Organisation is the business entity that the PHN has commissioned to provide the service.
See Provider Organisation for the data elements for a provider organisation.
5.2.3. Practitioner
The Practitioner is the person who is delivering the service. Multiple practitioners can deliver a service.
See Practitioner for the data elements for a practitioner.
5.2.4. Client
The Client is the person who is receiving the service.
See Client for the data elements for a client. Active Client
An active client is a client who has had one or more Service Contacts in a reference reporting period.
5.2.5. Intake
For the purpose of the PMHC MDS, an Intake is defined as a point of contact between a client and a PHN-commissioned organisation where the client is assessed to determine the appropriate level of care and referred to a service provider to provide clinical care. An Intake may include the collection of an IAR-DST measure.
The collection of Intake and IAR data may not be required for all programs. Please see Intake. Concluded Intake
Concluded intakes are intakes where Organisation type referred to at Intake conclusion is not blank.
5.2.6. Intake Episode
The Intake Episode record links an Intake record and an Episode record. It must be provided by the organisation that delivers the episode, not the intake.
5.2.7. Episode
For the purposes of the PMHC MDS, an Episode of Care is defined as a more or less continuous period of contact between a client and a PHN-commissioned provider organisation/clinician that starts at the point of first contact, and concludes at discharge. Episodes comprise a series of one or more Service Contacts. This structure allows for a logical data collection protocol that specifies what data are collected when, and by whom. Different sets of PMHC MDS items are collected at various points in the client’s engagement with the provider organisation. Some items are only collected once at the episode level, while others are collected at each Service Contact.
Four business rules apply to how the Episode of Care concept is implemented across PHN-commissioned services:
One Intake may be associated with each episode. An episode is not required to be associated with an Intake.
One episode at a time for each client, defined at the level of the provider organisation.
While an individual may have multiple Episodes of Care over the course of their illness, they may be considered as being in only one episode at any given point of time for any particular PHN-commissioned provider organisation. The implication is that the care provided by the organisation to an individual client at any point in time is subject to only one set of reporting requirements.
Episodes commence at the point of first contact. The episode start date will be derived from the first service contact regardless of no show state as long as there is a service contact that isn’t a no show. Therefore, if there is no attended service contact the episode is uncommenced.
Some examples:
If a service contact occurs on the 1/1/2018 that is recorded as a no show then the episode is uncommenced.
If a service contact occurs on the 1/1/2018 that is recorded as a no show and another service contact occurs on the 2/1/2018 that is attended then the episode start date is derived as 1/1/2018.
Discharge from care concludes the episode
Discharge may occur clinically or administratively in instances where contact has been lost with the client. A new episode is deemed to commence if the person re-presents to the organisation.
See Episode for the data elements for a episode. Open Episode
Open episodes are those with Episode Completion Status recorded as open (Response item 0). Closed Episode
Closed episodes are those with Episode Completion Status recorded using one of the ‘Episode closed’ responses (Response items 1-6). Active Episode
An active episode is an episode with one or more Attended Service Contacts recorded in a reference reporting period.
5.2.8. Service Contact
Service contacts are defined as the provision of a service by one or more PHN commissioned mental health service provider(s) for a client where the nature of the service would normally warrant a dated entry in the clinical record of the client.
A service contact must involve at least two persons, one of whom must be a mental health service provider.
Service contacts can be either with the client or with a third party, such as a carer or family member, and/or other professional or mental health worker, or other service provider.
Service contacts are not restricted to face‑to‑face communication but can include telephone, internet, video link or other forms of direct communication.
Service provision is only regarded as a service contact if it is relevant to the clinical condition of the client. This means that it does not include services of an administrative nature (e.g. telephone contact to schedule an appointment).
Definition based on METeOR: 493304 with modification. Attended Service Contact
An attended service contact is one that is not marked as ‘No show’.
See Service Contact for the data elements for a service contact.
5.2.9. Service Contact Practitioner
Service Contacts can have more than one practitioner. Practitioners are linked to Service Contacts through Service Contact Practitioner.
One (and only one) practitioner must be specified as the Primary Practitioner for each Service Contact.
See Service Contact Practitioner for the data elements for a service contact practitioner.
5.2.10. Collection Occasion
A Collection Occasion is defined as an occasion during an Episode of Care when specific Service Activities are required to be collected. At a minimum, collection is required at both Episode Start and Episode End, but may be more frequent if clinically indicated and agreed by the client.
Measures will be the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K10+ (in the case of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, the K5) as well as the Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaires.
See Collection Occasion for the data elements for a collection occasion.
5.3. Record formats
5.3.1. Metadata
The Metadata table must be included in file uploads in order to identify the type and version of the uploaded data.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Key (key) |
string |
yes |
A metadata key name. |
Value (value) |
string |
yes |
The metadata value. |
For this version of the specification the required content is shown in the following table:
key |
value |
type |
version |
4.0 |
5.3.2. Provider Organisation
See Provider Organisation for the definition of a provider organisation.
Provider Organisation data is for administrative use within the PMHC MDS system. It is managed by the PHN’s via the PMHC MDS administrative interface, it cannot be uploaded.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Organisation Key (organisation_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies the provider organisation to the Primary Health Network. Assigned by the Primary Health Network. |
Name (organisation_name) |
string (2,100) |
yes |
The name of the provider organisation. |
Legal Name (organisation_legal_name) |
string |
— |
The legal name of the provider organisation. |
ABN (organisation_abn) |
string (11) |
yes |
The Australian Business Number of the provider organisation. |
Organisation Type (organisation_type) |
string |
yes |
State (organisation_state) METeOR: 613718 |
string |
yes |
Organisation Start Date (organisation_start_date) |
date |
yes |
The date on which a provider organisation started delivering services. |
Organisation End Date (organisation_end_date) |
date |
yes |
The date on which a provider organisation stopped delivering services. |
Organisation Tags (organisation_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the provider organisation. |
5.3.3. Practitioner
See Practitioner for the definition of a practitioner.
Practitioner data is intended to provide workforce planning data for use regionally by the PHN and nationally by the Department. It is managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Practitioner Key (practitioner_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
A unique identifier for a practitioner within the responsible provider organisation. Assigned by either the PHN or Provider Organisation depending on local procedures. |
Practitioner Category (practitioner_category) |
string |
yes |
ATSI Cultural Training (atsi_cultural_training) |
string |
yes |
Year of Birth (practitioner_year_of_birth) |
gYear |
yes |
gYear |
Practitioner Gender (practitioner_gender) |
string |
yes |
Practitioner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Status (practitioner_atsi_status) METeOR: 291036 |
string |
yes |
Active (practitioner_active) |
string |
yes |
Practitioner Tags (practitioner_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the practitioner. |
5.3.4. Client
See Client for definition of a client.
Clients are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Client Key (client_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each individual client referred to the commissioned organisation. The client identifier must be unique and stable for each individual within the Provider Organisation. Assigned by either the PHN or Provider Organisation depending on local procedures. |
Statistical Linkage Key (slk) METeOR: 349510 |
string (14,40) |
yes |
A key that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual to be brought together. |
Date of Birth (date_of_birth) METeOR: 287007 |
date |
yes |
The date on which an individual was born. |
Estimated Date of Birth Flag (est_date_of_birth) |
string |
yes |
Client Gender (client_gender) |
string |
yes |
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Status (client_atsi_status) METeOR: 291036 |
string |
yes |
Country of Birth (country_of_birth) METeOR: 459973 |
string (4) |
yes |
Main Language Spoken at Home (main_lang_at_home) METeOR: 460125 |
string (4) |
yes |
Proficiency in Spoken English (prof_english) METeOR: 270203 |
string |
yes |
Client Tags (client_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the client. |
5.3.5. Intake
See Intake for definition of an intake.
The collection of Intake and IAR data is a requirement for Head to Health programs. This includes the Head to Health Phone Service, centres, satellites and Pop-Up clinics. PHNs may choose to collect Intake and IAR data for other non-Head to Health programs using the PMHC-MDS v4 specification, however reporting of this data remains optional subject to further guidance from the department.
Intakes are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Intake Key (intake_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each intake. The Intake Key is unique and stable for each intake at the level of the organisation. |
Client Key (client_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each individual client referred to the intake organisation. The client identifier must be unique and stable for each individual within the intake organisation. Assigned by either the PHN or intake organisation depending on local procedures. |
Client Consent to Anonymised Data (client_consent) |
string |
yes |
Referral Date (referral_date) |
date |
yes |
The date the referrer made the referral. |
Program Type (program_type) |
string |
yes |
Referrer Profession (referrer_profession) |
string |
yes |
Referrer Organisation Type (referrer_organisation_type) |
string |
yes |
Date client contacted Intake (date_client_contacted_intake) |
date |
yes |
The date on which the client first contacted the intake service |
Suicide Referral Flag (suicide_referral_flag) |
string |
yes |
Date referred to other service at Intake conclusion (date_referred_to_other_service_at_intake_conclusion) |
date |
— |
The date the client was referred to another organisation at Intake conclusion. |
Organisation type referred to at Intake conclusion (organisation_type_referred_to_at_intake_conclusion) |
string |
— |
Multiple space separated values allowed |
Referred to Organisation Path (referred_to_organisation_path) |
string |
— |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation to which the intake referred the client. |
Intake Tags (intake_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the intake. |
5.3.6. Intake Episode
See Intake Episode for definition of an intake episode.
Intake Episodes are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Episode Organisation Path (episode_organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing the clinical service to the client. |
Episode Key (episode_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each PMHC MDS episode. The Episode Key is unique and stable for each episode at the level of the organisation. This key must link to an existing episode within the PMHC MDS. |
Intake Organisation Path (intake_organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing the intake to the client. |
Intake Key (intake_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each intake. The Intake Key is unique and stable for each intake at the level of the organisation. |
5.3.7. Episode
See Episode for definition of an episode.
Episodes are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Episode Key (episode_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each episode. The Episode Key is unique and stable for each episode at the level of the Provider Organisation. |
Client Key (client_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each individual client referred to the commissioned organisation. The client identifier is unique and stable for each individual within the Provider Organisation. |
Episode End Date (episode_end_date) METeOR: 730859 |
date |
— |
The date on which an Episode of Care is formally or administratively ended |
Client Consent to Anonymised Data (client_consent) |
string |
yes |
Episode Completion Status (episode_completion_status) |
string |
— |
Referral Date (referral_date) |
date |
yes |
The date the referrer made the referral. |
Program Type (program_type) |
string |
yes |
Principal Focus of Treatment Plan (principal_focus) |
string |
yes |
GP Mental Health Treatment Plan Flag (mental_health_treatment_plan) |
string |
yes |
Homelessness Flag (homelessness) |
string |
yes |
Area of usual residence, postcode (client_postcode) METeOR: 429894 |
string |
yes |
The Australian postcode of the client. |
Labour Force Status (labour_force_status) METeOR: 621450 |
string |
yes |
Employment Participation (employment_participation) METeOR: 269950 |
string |
yes |
Source of Cash Income (income_source) METeOR: 386449 |
string |
yes |
Health Care Card (health_care_card) METeOR: 605149 |
string |
yes |
NDIS Participant (ndis_participant) |
string |
yes |
Marital Status (marital_status) METeOR: 291045 |
string |
yes |
Suicide Referral Flag (suicide_referral_flag) |
string |
yes |
Principal Diagnosis (principal_diagnosis) |
string |
yes |
Additional Diagnosis (additional_diagnosis) |
string |
yes |
Medication - Antipsychotics (N05A) (medication_antipsychotics) |
string |
yes |
Medication - Anxiolytics (N05B) (medication_anxiolytics) |
string |
yes |
Medication - Hypnotics and sedatives (N05C) (medication_hypnotics) |
string |
yes |
Medication - Antidepressants (N06A) (medication_antidepressants) |
string |
yes |
Medication - Psychostimulants and nootropics (N06B) (medication_psychostimulants) |
string |
yes |
Referrer Profession (referrer_profession) |
string |
yes |
Referrer Organisation Type (referrer_organisation_type) |
string |
yes |
Organisation type referred to at Episode conclusion (organisation_type_referred_to_at_episode_conclusion) |
string |
— |
Multiple space separated values allowed |
Episode Tags (episode_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the episode. |
5.3.8. Service Contact
See Service Contact for definition of a service contact.
Service contacts are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Service Contact Key (service_contact_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each service contact. The Service Contact Key is unique and stable for each service contact at the level of the Provider Organisation. |
Episode Key (episode_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each episode. The Episode Key is unique and stable for each episode at the level of the organisation. |
Service Contact Date (service_contact_date) METeOR: 494356 |
date |
yes |
The date of each mental health service contact between a health service provider and patient/client. |
Service Contact Type (service_contact_type) |
string |
yes |
Postcode (service_contact_postcode) METeOR: 429894 |
string |
yes |
The Australian postcode where the service contact took place. |
Modality (service_contact_modality) |
string |
yes |
Participants (service_contact_participants) |
string |
yes |
Venue (service_contact_venue) |
string |
yes |
Duration (service_contact_duration) |
string |
yes |
Copayment (service_contact_copayment) |
number |
yes |
0 - 999999.99 |
Client Participation Indicator (service_contact_participation_indicator) METeOR: 494341 |
string |
yes |
Interpreter Used (service_contact_interpreter) |
string |
yes |
No Show (service_contact_no_show) |
string |
yes |
Final Service Contact (service_contact_final) |
string |
yes |
Start Time (service_contact_start_time) |
time |
yes |
The start time of each mental health service contact between a health service provider and patient/client. |
Funding Source (funding_source) |
string |
yes |
Service Contact Tags (service_contact_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the service contact. |
5.3.9. Service Contact Practitioner
See Service Contact Practitioner for definition of a service contact practitioner.
Service contacts practitioners are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Service Contact Practitioner Key (service_contact_practitioner_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each service contact practitioner. The Service Contact Practitioner Key is unique and stable for each service contact practitioner at the level of the Provider Organisation. |
Service Contact Key (service_contact_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each service contact. The Service Contact Key is unique and stable for each service contact at the level of the Provider Organisation. |
Practitioner Key (practitioner_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
A unique identifier for a practitioner within the provider organisation. |
Primary Practitioner Indicator (primary_practitioner_indicator) |
string |
yes |
5.3.10. Collection Occasion
See Collection Occasion for definition of a collection occasion.
Individual item scores will eventually be required, however, it is noted that in the short term there are issues with collecting individual item scores. Therefore, as a transitional phase, reporting overall scores/subscales will be allowed.
Collection occasions are managed by the provider organisations via either the PMHC MDS administrative interface or upload.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Collection Occasion Key (collection_occasion_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each collection occasion of service activities. The Collection Occasion Key is unique and stable for each collection occasion at the level of the organisation. |
Episode Key (episode_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each PMHC MDS episode. The Episode Key is unique and stable for each episode at the level of the organisation. This key must link to an existing episode within the PMHC MDS. |
Collection Occasion Date (collection_occasion_date) |
date |
yes |
The date of the collection occasion. |
Collection Occasion Reason (reason_for_collection) |
string |
yes |
Collection Occasion Tags (collection_occasion_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the collection occasion. |
5.3.11. Measures Measures at Intake IAR-DST
The collection of Intake and IAR DST data may not be required for all programs. Please see Intake.
Where an Intake is recorded, an associated IAR-DST should also be recorded. However, this is not enforced by the PMHC MDS as Intake data could be collected separately from IAR DST data.
Versions 4.0.0 through 4.0.2 of the PMHC MDS specifiction only described version 1 of the IAR DST. This version was to be used only for adults. As of PMHC-MDS specification v4.0.4 you may supply either v1 or v2 IAR-DST versions. Version 2 adds child, adolescent, and older adult adaptions. The PMHC-MDS implementation of this change is backward compatible with the existing v1 format as the only difference is the extension of the IAR-DST - Version domain with v2 specific values.
For more information regarding IAR-DST v2 see the official IAR-DST v2 specification documentation.
Technical implementation guidance
The version data element now contains both the version (1
or 2
) and,
in the case of version 2, a sub-version indicating the age-group specific form
of the IAR-DST used. i.e. child
, adolescent
, adult
, and older-adult
For example a rating generated using the child form must have the version
set to 2.child
This approach has been taken for backwards compatibility with v1 to minimise the changes required by data providers to extract and supply v2 data to the PMHC-MDS for reporting.
Carefully consider how these two related but separate data items are stored within local systems. Analysis and reporting of future IAR-DST data may be simplified if they are recorded separately in local systems and only combined for use during data supply.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Measure Key (measure_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each instance of a measure. The Measure Key is unique and stable for each instance of a measure at the level of the organisation. |
Intake Key (intake_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each intake. The Intake Key is unique and stable for each intake at the level of the organisation. |
IAR-DST - Version (iar_dst_version) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 1 (iar_dst_domain_1) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 2 (iar_dst_domain_2) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 3 (iar_dst_domain_3) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 4 (iar_dst_domain_4) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 5 (iar_dst_domain_5) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 6 (iar_dst_domain_6) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 7 (iar_dst_domain_7) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Domain 8 (iar_dst_domain_8) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Recommended Level of Care (iar_dst_recommended_level_of_care) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Practitioner Level of Care (iar_dst_practitioner_level_of_care) |
string |
yes |
IAR-DST - Tags (iar_dst_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the measure. | Measures during an Episode
PMHC MDS requires the use of one of the following three required measures, as follows:
For adults (18+ years) - Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10+) is the prescribed measure, with the option to use the K5 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people if that is considered more appropriate.
For children and young people (up to and including 17 years) - the Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQ) is the prescribed tool. The specified versions include the parent-report for 4-10 years and 11-17 years; and the self-report for 11-17 years.
Please note: For adolescents, clinician-discretion is allowed, and that the K10+ or K5 may be used, even though the person is under 18 years K10+
As noted above, reporting individual item scores will eventually be required. In the short term, respondents can either report all 14 item scores or report the K10 total score as well as item scores for the 4 extra items in the K10+.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Measure Key (measure_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each instance of a measure. The Measure Key is unique and stable for each instance of a measure at the level of the organisation. |
Collection Occasion Key (collection_occasion_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each collection occasion of service activity. The Collection Occasion Key is unique and stable for each collection occasion at the level of the organisation. |
K10+ - Question 1 (k10p_item1) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 2 (k10p_item2) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 3 (k10p_item3) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 4 (k10p_item4) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 5 (k10p_item5) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 6 (k10p_item6) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 7 (k10p_item7) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 8 (k10p_item8) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 9 (k10p_item9) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 10 (k10p_item10) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Question 11 (k10p_item11) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 28, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
K10+ - Question 12 (k10p_item12) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 28, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
K10+ - Question 13 (k10p_item13) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 89, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
K10+ - Question 14 (k10p_item14) |
string |
yes |
K10+ - Score (k10p_score) |
integer |
yes |
10 - 50, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
K10+ - Tags (k10p_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the measure. |
When the client’s responses to Q1-10 are all recorded as 1 ‘None of the time’, they are not required to answer questions 11-14. Where a question has not been answered please select a response of ‘Not stated / missing’. K5
As noted above, reporting individual item scores will eventually be required. In the short term, respondents can either report all 5 item scores or report the K5 total score.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Measure Key (measure_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each instance of a measure. The Measure Key is unique and stable for each instance of a measure at the level of the organisation. |
Collection Occasion Key (collection_occasion_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each collection occasion of service activity. The Collection Occasion Key is unique and stable for each collection occasion at the level of the organisation. |
K5 - Question 1 (k5_item1) |
string |
yes |
K5 - Question 2 (k5_item2) |
string |
yes |
K5 - Question 3 (k5_item3) |
string |
yes |
K5 - Question 4 (k5_item4) |
string |
yes |
K5 - Question 5 (k5_item5) |
string |
yes |
K5 - Score (k5_score) |
integer |
yes |
5 - 25, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
K5 - Tags (k5_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the measure. | SDQ
Extensive support materials are available on the SDQ developers’ website, including copies of the various versions of the instrument, background information and scoring instructions. See https://www.sdqinfo.org/. There are six versions (parent-report and youth-self report) currently specified format PMHC MDS reporting.
The “1” versions are administered on admission and are rated on the basis of the proceeding 6 months. The “2” follow up versions are administered on review and discharge and are rated on the basis of the previous 1 month period.
The versions specified for PMHC MDS reporting are:
PC1 - SDQ Parent Report: 4-10 years (Baseline version);
PC2 - SDQ Parent Report: 4-10 years (Follow up version);
PY1 - SDQ Parent Report: 11-17 years (Baseline version);
PY2 - SDQ Parent Report: 11-17 years (Follow up version);
YR1 - SDQ Youth Report: 11-17 years (Baseline version); and
YR2 - SDQ Youth Report: 11-17 years (Follow up version).
We acknowledge that there is also a parent-report for 2-4 years; and teacher versions for all the years (2-4; 4-10 and 11-17) but that these are not to be reported the PMHC-MDS.
Please note that the item numbering in the SDQ versions is deliberately non sequential because it covers all items in all versions, both to indicate item equivalence across versions and to assist data entry, especially of translated versions. The table below indicates the items that are included in each version, the rating periods used and the broad content covered by each item.
Informant |
Parent |
Young Person |
Age range |
4-10 |
11-17 |
11 - 17 |
Application |
Baseline |
Followup |
Baseline |
Followup |
Baseline |
Followup |
Rating period |
6 months |
1 month |
6 months |
1 month |
6 months |
1 month |
Items |
Item Content |
Version |
PC1 |
PC2 |
PY1 |
PY2 |
YR1 |
YR2 |
1-25 |
Symptoms |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
26 |
Overall |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
27 |
Duration |
✓ |
X |
✓ |
X |
✓ |
28-33 |
Impact |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
34-35 |
Follow up progress |
X |
✓ |
X |
✓ |
X |
✓ |
36-38 |
Cross-Informant information |
✓ |
X |
✓ |
X |
X |
X |
39-42 |
Cross-Informant information |
X |
X |
X |
X |
✓ |
X |
As noted above, reporting individual item scores will eventually be required. In the short term, respondents can either report all 42 item scores or report the SDQ subscale scores. SDQ items and Scale Summary scores
The first 25 items in the SDQ comprise 5 scales of 5 items each. It is usually easiest to score all 5 scales before working out the Total Difficulties score. For data entry, the responses to items should always be entered the same way (see below), but they are not all scored the same way. Somewhat True is always scored as 1, but the scoring of Not True and Certainly True varies with each item (see Table 5). For each of the 5 scales the score can range from 0-10 if all 5 items were completed. Scale scores can be prorated if at least 3 items were completed.
Not True |
Some-what True |
Certainly True |
Summary Score |
Standard Values for Data Entry |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Data element |
SDQ Item number and description |
Item Score |
Emotional Symptoms Scale |
0-10 |
Item 03 |
Often complains of headaches … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 08 |
Many worries or often seems worried |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 13 |
Often unhappy, depressed or tearful |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 16 |
Nervous or clingy in new situations … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 24 |
Many fears, easily scared |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Conduct Problem Scale |
0-10 |
Item 05 |
Often loses temper … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 07 |
Generally well behaved … |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Item 12 |
Often fights with other children … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 18 |
Often lies or cheats |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 22 |
Steals from home, school … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Hyperactivity Scale |
0-10 |
Item 02 |
Restless, overactive … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 10 |
Constantly fidgeting … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 15 |
Easily distracted … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 21 |
Thinks things out before acting |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Item 25 |
Good attention span … |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Peer Problem Scale |
0-10 |
Item 06 |
Rather solitary, prefers to play alone |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 11 |
Has at least one good friend |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Item 14 |
Generally liked by other children |
2 |
1 |
0 |
Item 19 |
Picked on or bullied … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 23 |
Gets along better with adults … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Prosocial Scale |
0-10 |
Item 01 |
Considerate of other people’s feelings |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 04 |
Shares readily with other children … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 09 |
Helpful if someone is hurt … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 17 |
Kind to younger children |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Item 20 |
Often volunteers to help others … |
0 |
1 |
2 |
SDQ Total Difficulties Score = Sum of Scales below |
0-40 |
Emotional Symptoms Scale |
0-10 |
Conduct Problem Scale |
0-10 |
Hyperactivity Scale |
0-10 |
Peer Problem Scale |
0-10 |
NB. Bold items indicate reverse scoring Scoring the SDQ
The standard values for coding individual Item responses are 0 (Not True), 1 (Somewhat True), 2 (Certainly True) and 9 (Missing data).
For completed items (response coded 0,1,2) the Item scores are usually the same as the standard values. Them exceptions are item 07, 11, 14, 21 and 25. These items are “reverse-scored”, that is, the standard value is mapped to Item scores as follows: 0->2, 1->1, 2->0.
Summary scores are only calculated if at least three of the five items have been completed (that is, coded 0, 1 or 2). Otherwise the summary score is set to missing. For the Summary scores, the missing value used should be 99.
The Summary scores are computed using the equation shown below, with the result being rounded to the nearest whole number. In the first 25 SDQ questions, each summary scale is composed of five items.
Summary score = (sum of item scores/number of valid completed items) x number of items
The simplest way to calculate the total difficulties score is to add up the following summary scores with the result being rounded to the nearest whole number.
Total score = Emotional Scale + Conduct Scale + Hyperactivity Scale + Peer Problem Scale
However, some of the summary scores may be missing. The rule is if more than one summary score is missing the Total Score is set to missing, value 99.
Items 28-32 are not completed if respondents have answered “No” to Item 26, which asks for an overall opinion about difficulties being present. In this case, all Item responses for Items 27 through 33 should be coded “8” for “not applicable”, and the impact score should be coded to zero. Item 27 is not included in the Impact Score since it assesses the chronicity of the difficulties- the length of time they have been present. Item 33 is not included in the Impact Score, since it assess the burden on others rather than on the child/youth.
The coded Item Responses for the remaining Items 28 through 32 have to be mapped to their Item Scores before adding up. This mapping is the same for all, namely: 0->0, 1->0, 2->1, 3->2.
Data Element (Field Name) |
Type (min,max) |
Required |
Format / Values |
Organisation Path (organisation_path) |
string |
yes |
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client. |
Measure Key (measure_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each instance of a measure. The Measure Key is unique and stable for each instance of a measure at the level of the organisation. |
Collection Occasion Key (collection_occasion_key) |
string (2,50) |
yes |
This is a number or code assigned to each collection occasion of service activity. The Collection Occasion Key is unique and stable for each collection occasion at the level of the organisation. |
SDQ Collection Occasion - Version (sdq_version) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 1 (sdq_item1) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 2 (sdq_item2) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 3 (sdq_item3) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 4 (sdq_item4) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 5 (sdq_item5) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 6 (sdq_item6) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 7 (sdq_item7) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 8 (sdq_item8) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 9 (sdq_item9) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 10 (sdq_item10) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 11 (sdq_item11) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 12 (sdq_item12) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 13 (sdq_item13) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 14 (sdq_item14) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 15 (sdq_item15) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 16 (sdq_item16) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 17 (sdq_item17) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 18 (sdq_item18) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 19 (sdq_item19) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 20 (sdq_item20) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 21 (sdq_item21) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 22 (sdq_item22) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 23 (sdq_item23) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 24 (sdq_item24) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 25 (sdq_item25) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 26 (sdq_item26) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 27 (sdq_item27) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 28 (sdq_item28) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 29 (sdq_item29) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 30 (sdq_item30) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 31 (sdq_item31) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 32 (sdq_item32) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 33 (sdq_item33) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 34 (sdq_item34) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 35 (sdq_item35) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 36 (sdq_item36) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 37 (sdq_item37) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 38 (sdq_item38) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 39 (sdq_item39) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 40 (sdq_item40) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 41 (sdq_item41) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Question 42 (sdq_item42) |
string |
yes |
SDQ - Emotional Symptoms Scale (sdq_emotional_symptoms) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Conduct Problem Scale (sdq_conduct_problem) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Hyperactivity Scale (sdq_hyperactivity) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Peer Problem Scale (sdq_peer_problem) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Prosocial Scale (sdq_prosocial) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Total Difficulties Score (sdq_total) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 40, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Impact Score (sdq_impact) |
integer |
yes |
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing |
SDQ - Tags (sdq_tags) |
string |
— |
List of tags for the measure. |
5.4. Definitions
5.4.1. ABN
The Australian Business Number of the provider organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (11)
- Required:
- Notes:
The Australian Business Registry maintains ABN search and technical docs. The PMHC MDS does not check the if ABN is registered, only that it satisfies the algorithm documented at https://abr.business.gov.au/Help/AbnFormat
5.4.2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Status
Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin
- 2:
Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin
- 3:
Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin
- 4:
Neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
- Code 9 is not to be available as a valid answer to the questions but is
intended for use:
Primarily when importing data from other data collections that do not contain mappable data.
Where an answer was refused.
Where the question was not able to be asked prior to completion of assistance because the client was unable to communicate or a person who knows the client was not available.
5.4.3. Active
A flag to represent whether a practitioner is actively delivering services. This is a system field that is aimed at helping organisations manage practitioner codes.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
5.4.4. Additional Diagnosis
The main additional condition or complaint co-existing with the Principal Diagnosis or arising during the episode of care.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 000:
No additional diagnosis
- 100:
Anxiety disorders (ATAPS)
- 101:
Panic disorder
- 102:
- 103:
Social phobia
- 104:
Generalised anxiety disorder
- 105:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 106:
Post-traumatic stress disorder
- 107:
Acute stress disorder
- 108:
Other anxiety disorder
- 200:
Affective (Mood) disorders (ATAPS)
- 201:
Major depressive disorder
- 202:
- 203:
Depressive disorder NOS
- 204:
Bipolar disorder
- 205:
Cyclothymic disorder
- 206:
Other affective disorder
- 300:
Substance use disorders (ATAPS)
- 301:
Alcohol harmful use
- 302:
Alcohol dependence
- 303:
Other drug harmful use
- 304:
Other drug dependence
- 305:
Other substance use disorder
- 400:
Psychotic disorders (ATAPS)
- 401:
- 402:
Schizoaffective disorder
- 403:
Brief psychotic disorder
- 404:
Other psychotic disorder
- 501:
Separation anxiety disorder
- 502:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- 503:
Conduct disorder
- 504:
Oppositional defiant disorder
- 505:
Pervasive developmental disorder
- 506:
Other disorder of childhood and adolescence
- 601:
Adjustment disorder
- 602:
Eating disorder
- 603:
Somatoform disorder
- 604:
Personality disorder
- 605:
Other mental disorder
- 901:
Anxiety symptoms
- 902:
Depressive symptoms
- 903:
Mixed anxiety and depressive symptoms
- 904:
Stress related
- 905:
- 999:
- Notes:
Additional Diagnosis gives information on conditions that are significant in terms of treatment required and resources used during the episode of care. Additional diagnoses should be interpreted as conditions that affect client management in terms of requiring any of the following:
Commencement, alteration or adjustment of therapeutic treatment
Diagnostic procedures
Increased clinical care and/or monitoring
Where the client one or more comorbid mental health conditions in addition to the condition coded as the Principal Diagnosis, record the main condition as the Additional Diagnosis.
The following responses have been added to allow mapping of ATAPS data to PMHC format.
100: Anxiety disorders (ATAPS)
200: Affective (Mood) disorders (ATAPS)
300: Substance use disorders (ATAPS)
400: Psychotic disorders (ATAPS)
Note: These four codes should only be used for Episodes that are migrated from ATAPS MDS sources that cannot be described by any other Diagnosis. It is expected that the majority of Episodes delivered to clients from 1st July, 2017 can be assigned to other diagnoses.
These responses will only be allowed on episodes where the original ATAPS referral date was before 1 July 2017
These responses will only be allowed on episodes with the !ATAPS flag.
For further notes on the recording of diagnosis codes see Principal Diagnosis.
5.4.5. Area of usual residence, postcode
The Australian postcode of the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A valid Australian postcode or 9999 if the postcode is unknown or the client has not provided sufficient information to confirm their current residential address.
The full list of Australian Postcodes can be found at Australia Post.
When collecting the postcode of a person’s usual place of residence, the ABS recommends that ‘usual’ be defined as: ‘the place where the person has or intends to live for 6 months or more, or the place that the person regards as their main residence, or where the person has no other residence, the place they currently reside.’
Postcodes are deemed valid if they are in the range 0200-0299, 0800-9999.
5.4.6. ATSI Cultural Training
Indicates whether a practitioner has completed a recognised training programme in the delivery of culturally safe services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
Not required
- 9:
Missing / Not recorded
- Notes:
This item is reported by the practitioner and applies to service providers who are either:
not of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status; or
are not employed by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
- 1 - Yes
The practitioner has:
undertaken specific training in the delivery of culturally appropriate mental health /health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As a guide, recognised training programs include those endorsed by the Australian Indigenous Psychologists’ Association (AIPA) or similar organisation; or
undertaken local cultural awareness training in the community in which they are practising, as delivered or endorsed by the elders of that community or the local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
- 2 - No
The practitioner has not met the requirements stated above.
- 3 - Not required
This option is reserved only for practitioners who are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent, or employed by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.
- 4 - Missing/Not recorded
This is a system code for missing data and not a valid response option for practitioners.
5.4.7. Client Consent to Anonymised Data
An indication that the client has consented to their anonymised data being provided to the Department of Health and Aged Care for statistical purposes in planning and improving mental health services.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- Notes:
- 1 - Yes
The client has consented to their anonymised data being provided to the Department of Health and Aged Care for statistical purposes in planning and improving mental health services. The client’s data will be included in reports and extracts accessible by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
- 2 - No
The client has not consented to their anonymised data being provided to the Department of Health and Aged Care for statistical purposes in planning and improving mental health services. The client’s data will be excluded from reports and extracts accessible by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
All data can be uploaded, regardless of consent flag.
All data will be available to PHNs to extract for their own internal data evaluation purposes.
From June 2024 onward consent collection notices were updated to include that anonymised client data may be shared with relevant state and territory departments/agencies in addition to the Department of Health and Aged Care, if the client consents.
5.4.8. Client Gender
The term ‘gender’ refers to the way in which a person identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. A persons gender relates to their deeply held internal and individual sense of gender and is not always exclusively male or female. It may or may not correspond to their sex assigned at birth.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not stated/Inadequately described
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
- Notes:
- 1 - M - Male
Adults who identify themselves as men, and children who identify themselves as boys.
- 2 - F - Female
Adults who identify themselves as women, and children who identify themselves as girls.
- 3 - X- Other
Adults and children who identify as non-binary, gender diverse, or with descriptors other than man/boy or woman/girl.
- ABS:
5.4.9. Client Key
This is a number or code assigned to each individual client referred to the commissioned organisation. The client identifier must be unique and stable for each individual within the Provider Organisation. Assigned by either the PHN or Provider Organisation depending on local procedures.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Client keys must be unique within each Provider Organisation. The Client Key will be managed by the Provider Organisation, however, the PHN may decide to play a role in coordinating assignment and management of these client keys. Clients should not be assigned multiple keys within the same Provider Organisation.
Client keys are case sensitive and must be valid unicode characters.
5.4.10. Client Participation Indicator
An indicator of whether the client participated, or intended to participate, in the service contact, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- Notes:
Service contacts are not restricted to in-person communication but can include telephone, video link or other forms of direct communication.
- 1 - Yes
This code is to be used for service contacts between a mental health service provider and the patient/client in whose clinical record the service contact would normally warrant a dated entry, where the patient/client is participating.
- 2 - No
This code is to be used for service contacts between a mental health service provider and a third party(ies) where the patient/client, in whose clinical record the service contact would normally warrant a dated entry, is not participating.
Note: Where a client intended to participate in a service contact but failed to attend, Client Participation Indicator should be recorded as ‘1: Yes’ and No Show should be recorded as ‘1: Yes’.
5.4.12. Collection Occasion Date
The date of the collection occasion.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
If the date the activity was performed is unknown, 09099999 should be used.
For an intake collection occasion, the collection date must not be before 1st January 2020, otherwise, the collection date must not be before 1st January 2016.
The collection date must not be in the future.
5.4.13. Collection Occasion Key
This is a number or code assigned to each collection occasion of service activities. The Collection Occasion Key is unique and stable for each collection occasion at the level of the organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Collection Occasion Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the Provider Organisation level and must persist across time. See Identifier Management
5.4.14. Collection Occasion Reason
The reason for the collection of the service activities on the identified Collection Occasion.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Episode start
- 2:
- 3:
Episode end
- Notes:
- 1 - Episode start
Refers to an outcome measure undertaken at the beginning of an Episode of Care. For the purposes of the PMHC MDS protocol, episodes may start at the point of first Service Contact with a new client who has not been seen previously by the organisation, or a first contact for a new Episode of Care for a client who has received services from the organisation in a previous Episode of Care that has been completed.
- 2 - Review
Refers to an outcome measure undertaken during the course of an Episode of Care that post-dates Episode Start and pre-dates Episode End. An outcome measure may be undertaken at Review for a number of reasons including:
in response to critical clinical events or changes in the client’s mental health status;
following a client-requested review; or
other situations where a review may be indicated.
- 3 - Episode end
Refers to the outcome measures collected at the end of an Episode of Care.
5.4.16. Copayment
The co-payment is the amount paid by the client per session.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 999999.99
- Notes:
Up to 6 digits before the decimal point; up to 2 digits after the decimal point.
The co-payment is the amount paid by the client per service contact, not the fee paid by the project to the practitioner or the fee paid by the project to the practitioner plus the client contribution. In many cases, there will not be a co-payment charged and therefore zero should be entered. Where a co-payment is charged it should be minimal and based on an individual’s capacity to pay.
5.4.17. Country of Birth
The country in which the client was born, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (4)
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1101:
- 1102:
Norfolk Island
- 1199:
Australian External Territories, nec
- 1201:
New Zealand
- 1301:
New Caledonia
- 1302:
Papua New Guinea
- 1303:
Solomon Islands
- 1304:
- 1401:
- 1402:
- 1403:
Marshall Islands
- 1404:
Micronesia, Federated States of
- 1405:
- 1406:
Northern Mariana Islands
- 1407:
- 1501:
Cook Islands
- 1502:
- 1503:
French Polynesia
- 1504:
- 1505:
- 1506:
Samoa, American
- 1507:
- 1508:
- 1511:
- 1512:
Wallis and Futuna
- 1513:
Pitcairn Islands
- 1599:
Polynesia (excludes Hawaii), nec
- 1601:
Adelie Land (France)
- 1602:
Argentinian Antarctic Territory
- 1603:
Australian Antarctic Territory
- 1604:
British Antarctic Territory
- 1605:
Chilean Antarctic Territory
- 1606:
Queen Maud Land (Norway)
- 1607:
Ross Dependency (New Zealand)
- 2102:
- 2103:
Isle of Man
- 2104:
Northern Ireland
- 2105:
- 2106:
- 2107:
- 2108:
- 2201:
- 2301:
- 2302:
- 2303:
- 2304:
- 2305:
- 2306:
- 2307:
- 2308:
- 2311:
- 2401:
- 2402:
Faroe Islands
- 2403:
- 2404:
- 2405:
- 2406:
- 2407:
- 2408:
Aland Islands
- 3101:
- 3102:
- 3103:
Holy See
- 3104:
- 3105:
- 3106:
- 3107:
San Marino
- 3108:
- 3201:
- 3202:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 3203:
- 3204:
- 3205:
- 3206:
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- 3207:
- 3208:
- 3211:
- 3212:
- 3214:
- 3215:
- 3216:
- 3301:
- 3302:
Czech Republic
- 3303:
- 3304:
- 3305:
- 3306:
- 3307:
- 3308:
Russian Federation
- 3311:
- 3312:
- 4101:
- 4102:
- 4103:
- 4104:
- 4105:
- 4106:
- 4107:
Western Sahara
- 4108:
Spanish North Africa
- 4111:
South Sudan
- 4201:
- 4202:
Gaza Strip and West Bank
- 4203:
- 4204:
- 4205:
- 4206:
- 4207:
- 4208:
- 4211:
- 4212:
- 4213:
Saudi Arabia
- 4214:
- 4215:
- 4216:
United Arab Emirates
- 4217:
- 5101:
- 5102:
- 5103:
- 5104:
- 5105:
- 5201:
Brunei Darussalam
- 5202:
- 5203:
- 5204:
- 5205:
- 5206:
- 6101:
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan)
- 6102:
Hong Kong (SAR of China)
- 6103:
Macau (SAR of China)
- 6104:
- 6105:
- 6201:
- 6202:
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North)
- 6203:
Korea, Republic of (South)
- 7101:
- 7102:
- 7103:
- 7104:
- 7105:
- 7106:
- 7107:
Sri Lanka
- 7201:
- 7202:
- 7203:
- 7204:
- 7205:
- 7206:
- 7207:
- 7208:
- 7211:
- 8101:
- 8102:
- 8103:
St Pierre and Miquelon
- 8104:
United States of America
- 8201:
- 8202:
- 8203:
- 8204:
- 8205:
- 8206:
- 8207:
Falkland Islands
- 8208:
French Guiana
- 8211:
- 8212:
- 8213:
- 8214:
- 8215:
- 8216:
- 8299:
South America, nec
- 8301:
- 8302:
Costa Rica
- 8303:
El Salvador
- 8304:
- 8305:
- 8306:
- 8307:
- 8308:
- 8401:
- 8402:
Antigua and Barbuda
- 8403:
- 8404:
- 8405:
- 8406:
Cayman Islands
- 8407:
- 8408:
- 8411:
Dominican Republic
- 8412:
- 8413:
- 8414:
- 8415:
- 8416:
- 8417:
- 8421:
Puerto Rico
- 8422:
St Kitts and Nevis
- 8423:
St Lucia
- 8424:
St Vincent and the Grenadines
- 8425:
Trinidad and Tobago
- 8426:
Turks and Caicos Islands
- 8427:
Virgin Islands, British
- 8428:
Virgin Islands, United States
- 8431:
St Barthelemy
- 8432:
St Martin (French part)
- 8433:
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- 8434:
- 8435:
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
- 9101:
- 9102:
Burkina Faso
- 9103:
- 9104:
Cabo Verde
- 9105:
Central African Republic
- 9106:
- 9107:
Congo, Republic of
- 9108:
Congo, Democratic Republic of
- 9111:
Cote d’Ivoire
- 9112:
Equatorial Guinea
- 9113:
- 9114:
- 9115:
- 9116:
- 9117:
- 9118:
- 9121:
- 9122:
- 9123:
- 9124:
- 9125:
Sao Tome and Principe
- 9126:
- 9127:
Sierra Leone
- 9128:
- 9201:
- 9202:
- 9203:
- 9204:
- 9205:
- 9206:
- 9207:
- 9208:
- 9211:
- 9212:
- 9213:
- 9214:
- 9215:
- 9216:
- 9217:
- 9218:
- 9221:
- 9222:
St Helena
- 9223:
- 9224:
- 9225:
South Africa
- 9226:
- 9227:
- 9228:
- 9231:
- 9232:
- 9299:
Southern and East Africa, nec
- 9999:
- Notes:
Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC), 2016 4-digit code (ABS Catalogue No. 1269.0) SACC 2016 is a four-digit, three-level hierarchical structure specifying major group, minor group and country. 9999 is used when the information is not known or the client has refused to provide the information.
Organisations are encouraged to produce customised lists of the most common languages in use by their local populations from the above resource. Please refer to Country of Birth for help on designing forms.
- ABS:
5.4.18. Date client contacted Intake
The date on which the client first contacted the intake service
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
The contact date must not be before 1st January 2020.
The contact date must not be in the future.
5.4.19. Date of Birth
The date on which an individual was born.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
The date of birth must not be before January 1st 1900.
The date of birth must not be in the future.
If the date of birth is unknown, the following approaches should be used:
If the age of the person is known, the age should be used to derive the year of birth
If the age of the person is unknown, an estimated age of the person should be used to estimate a year of birth
An actual or estimated year of birth should then be converted into an estimated date of birth using the following convention: 0101Estimated year of birth.
If the date of birth is totally unknown, use 09099999.
If you have estimated the year of birth make sure you record this in the ‘Estimated date of birth flag’
5.4.20. Date referred to other service at Intake conclusion
The date the client was referred to another organisation at Intake conclusion.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
The referral out date must not be before 1st January 2020.
The referral out end date must not be in the future.
5.4.21. Duration
The time from the start to finish of a service contact.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
No contact took place
- 1:
1-15 mins
- 2:
16-30 mins
- 3:
31-45 mins
- 4:
46-60 mins
- 5:
61-75 mins
- 6:
76-90 mins
- 7:
91-105 mins
- 8:
106-120 mins
- 9:
over 120 mins
- Notes:
For group sessions the time for client spent in the session is recorded for each client, regardless of the number of clients or third parties participating or the number of service providers providing the service. Writing up details of service contacts is not to be reported as part of the duration, except if during or contiguous with the period of client or third party participation. Travel to or from the location at which the service is provided, for example to or from outreach facilities or private homes, is not to be reported as part of the duration of the service contact.
- 0 - No contact took place
Only use this code where the service contact is recorded as a no show.
5.4.22. Employment Participation
Whether a person in paid employment is employed full-time or part-time, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
Not applicable - not in the labour force
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
Applies only to people whose labour force status is employed. (See metadata item Labour Force Status, for a definition of ‘employed’). Paid employment includes persons who performed some work for wages or salary, in cash or in kind, and persons temporarily absent from a paid employment job but who retained a formal attachment to that job.
- 1 - Full-time
Employed persons are working full-time if they: (a) usually work 35 hours or more in a week (in all paid jobs) or (b) although usually working less than 35 hours a week, actually worked 35 hours or more during the reference period.
- 2 - Part-time
Employed persons are working part-time if they usually work less than 35 hours a week (in all paid jobs) and either did so during the reference period, or were not at work in the reference period.
- 9 - Not stated / inadequately described
Is not to be used on primary collection forms. It is primarily for use in administrative collections when transferring data from data sets where the item has not been collected.
5.4.23. Episode Completion Status
An indication of the completion status of an Episode of Care.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Episode open
- 1:
Episode closed - treatment concluded
- 2:
Episode closed administratively - client could not be contacted
- 3:
Episode closed administratively - client declined further contact
- 4:
Episode closed administratively - client moved out of area
- 5:
Episode closed administratively - client referred elsewhere
- 6:
Episode closed administratively - other reason
- Notes:
In order to use code 1 (Episode closed - treatment concluded) the client must have at least one service contact. All other codes may be applicable even when the client has no service contacts.
- 0 or Blank - Episode open
The client still requires treatment and further service contacts are required.
- 1 - Episode closed - treatment concluded
No further service contacts are planned as the client no longer requires treatment.
- 2 - Episode closed administratively - client could not be contacted
Further service contacts were planned but the client could no longer be contacted.
- 3 - Episode closed administratively - client declined further contact
Further service contacts were planned but the client declined further treatment.
- 4 - Episode closed administratively - client moved out of area
Further service contacts were planned but the client moved out of the area without a referral elsewhere. Where a client was referred somewhere else Episode Completion Status should be recorded as code 5 (Episode closed administratively - client referred elsewhere).
- 5 - Episode closed administratively - client referred elsewhere
Where a client still requires treatment, but a different service has been deemed appropriate or a client has moved out of the area so has moved to a different provider.
- 6 - Episode closed administratively - other reason
Where a client is no longer being given treatment but the reason for conclusion is not covered above.
Episode Completion Status interacts with two other data items in the PMHC MDS - Service Contact - Final, and Episode End Date.
- Service Contact - Final
Collection of data for Service Contacts includes a Service Contact - Final item that requires the service provider to indicate whether further Service Contacts are planned. Where this item is recorded as ‘no further services planned’, the Episode Completion Status should be recorded as code 1 (Episode closed - treatment concluded) code 3 (Episode closed administratively - client declined further contact), code 4 (Episode closed administratively - client moved out of area), or code 5 (Episode closed administratively - client referred elsewhere). Selection of coding option should be that which best describes the circumstances of the episode ending.
- Episode End Date
Where a Final Service Contact is recorded Episode End Date should be recorded as the date of the final Service Contact.
5.4.24. Episode End Date
The date on which an Episode of Care is formally or administratively ended
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
The episode end date must not be before 1st January 2016.
The episode end date must not be in the future.
An Episode of Care may be ended in one of two ways:
clinically, consequent upon conclusion of treatment for the client and discharge from care; or
administratively (statistically), where contact with the client has been lost by the organisation prior to completion of treatment or other factors prevented treatment being completed.
Episode End Date interacts with two other data items in the PMHC MDS - Service Contact - Final, and Episode Completion Status.
- Service Contact - Final
Collection of data for Service Contacts includes a Service Contact - Final item that requires the service provider to indicate whether further Service Contacts are planned. Where this item is recorded as ‘no further services planned’, the date of the final Service Contact should be recorded as the Episode End Date.
- Episode Completion Status
This field should be recorded as ‘Episode closed treatment concluded’ when a Service Contact - Final is recorded. The Episode Completion Status field can also be manually recorded to allow for administrative closure of episodes (e.g., contact has been lost with a client over a prolonged period - see Episode Completion Status for additional guidance). Where an episode is closed administratively, the Episode End Date should be recorded as the date on which the organisation made the decision to close episode.
5.4.25. Episode Key
This is a number or code assigned to each PMHC MDS episode. The Episode Key is unique and stable for each episode at the level of the organisation. This key must link to an existing episode within the PMHC MDS.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Episode Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the Provider Organisation level and must persist across time. Creation of episode keys in this way allows clients to be merged (where duplicate Client Keys have been identified) without having to re-allocate episode identifiers since they can never clash. See Managing Episode Keys
Episode Keys are case sensitive and must be valid unicode characters.
A recommended approach for the creation of Episode Keys is to compute random UUIDs.
5.4.26. Episode Organisation Path
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing the clinical service to the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A combination of the Primary Health Network’s (PHN’s) Organisation Key and the Provider Organisation’s Organisation Key separated by a colon.
Here is an example organisation structure showing the Organisation Path for each organisation:
Organisation Key
Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Commissioning Organisation
Organisation Path
Test PHN
Primary Health Network
Test Provider Organisation
Private Allied Health Professional Practice
5.4.28. Estimated Date of Birth Flag
The date of birth estimate flag records whether or not the client’s date of birth has been estimated.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Date of birth is accurate
- 2:
Date of birth is an estimate
- 8:
Date of birth is a ‘dummy’ date (ie, 09099999)
- 9:
Accuracy of stated date of birth is not known
5.4.29. Final Service Contact
An indication of whether the Service Contact is the final for the current Episode of Care
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
No further services are planned for the client in the current episode
- 2:
Further services are planned for the client in the current episode
- 3:
Not known at this stage
- Notes:
Service providers should report this item on the basis of future planned or scheduled contacts with the client. Where this item is recorded as 1 (No further services planned), the episode should be recorded as completed by:
the date of the final Service Contact should be recorded as the Episode End Date
the Episode Completion Status field should be recorded as ‘Treatment concluded.
Note that no further Service Contacts can be recorded against an episode once it is marked as completed. Where an episode has been marked as completed prematurely, the Episode End Date can be manually corrected to allow additional activity to be recorded.
5.4.30. Funding Source
The source of PHN Mental Health funds that are wholly or primarily funding the Service Contact.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Flexible funding pool - Not Otherwise Stated
- 11:
Flexible funding pool - Low intensity
- 12:
Flexible funding pool - Youth Severe
- 13:
Flexible funding pool - Child and Youth
- 14:
Flexible funding pool - Psychological therapies for hard to reach
- 15:
Flexible funding pool - Services for People with Severe Mental Illness
- 16:
Flexible funding pool - Suicide Prevention - Indigenous
- 17:
Flexible funding pool - Suicide Prevention - General
- 18:
Indigenous Mental Health
- 19:
Commonwealth Psychosocial Support
- 20:
Psychological Treatment in Residential Aged Care Facilities
- 21:
Emergency Response - Bushfire Recovery 2020
- 22:
Emergency Response - Flood 2022
- 23:
Head to Health program
- 24:
Head to Health Kids Hubs
- 25:
Norfolk Island
- 26:
National Suicide Prevention Trial
- 27:
Way Back Support Service
- 73:
Other Government Funding - Commonwealth: Other Commonwealth
- 97:
Other funding source – no Commonwealth Funding
- 98:
Unknown/Not stated
- Notes:
Organisations must record this information for all new Service Contacts under the Version 4 specification.
- 0 - Flexible funding pool - Not Otherwise Stated
This response is only to be used for existing data entered under a Version 2 or HeadtoHelp Version 3 specification.
- 23 - Head to Health program
This includes Head to Health Adult Centres and Satellites, and pop-up clinics.
- 25 - Norfolk Island
This category only applies to services commissioned through the Central and Eastern Sydney PHN.
- 27 - Way Back Support Service
This category must only to be used in conjunction with the Wayback Extension.
- 97 - Other funding source - no Commonwealth Funding
This category can only to be used where a service is wholly funded by a non-PHN funding source such as State/Territory jurisdictional funds.
Where a service is co-funded by both PHN funds and State/Territory jurisdictional funds, the appropriate Funding Source category for PHN funding used to pay for the service should be selected unless otherwise advised by relevant guidance from the Department. Tags and/or other reporting measures can be used to differentiate co-funded arrangements.
5.4.31. GP Mental Health Treatment Plan Flag
An indication of whether a client has a GP mental health treatment plan. A GP should be involved in a referral where appropriate however a mental health treatment plan is not mandatory.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
5.4.32. Health Care Card
An indication of whether the person is a current holder of a Health Care Card that entitles them to arrange of concessions for Government funded health services.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
Not Known
- 9:
Not stated
- Notes:
Details on the Australian Government Health Care Card are available at: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/services/centrelink/health-care-card
5.4.33. Homelessness Flag
An indication of whether the client has been homeless in the 4 weeks prior to the current service episode.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation
- 2:
Short-term or emergency accommodation
- 3:
Not homeless
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
- 1 - Sleeping rough or in non-conventional accommodation
Includes sleeping on the streets, in a park, in cars or railway carriages, under bridges or other similar ‘rough’ accommodation
- 2 - Short-term or emergency accommodation
Includes sleeping in short-term accommodation, emergency accommodation, due to a lack of other options. This may include refuges; crisis shelters; couch surfing; living temporarily with friends and relatives; insecure accommodation on a short term basis; emergency accommodation arranged in hotels, motels etc by a specialist homelessness agency.
- 3 - Not homeless
Includes sleeping in own accommodation/rental accommodation or living with friends or relatives on a stable, long term basis
- 9 - Not stated / Missing
Not stated / Missing
Select the code that best fits the client’s sleeping arrangements over the preceding 4 weeks. Where multiple options apply (e.g., client has experienced more than one of the sleeping arrangements over the previous 4 weeks) the following coding hierarchy should be followed:
If code 1 applied at any time over the 4 week period, code 1
If code 2 but not code 1 applied at any time over the 4 week period, code 2
Otherwise Code 3 applies
5.4.34. IAR-DST - Domain 1
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.35. IAR-DST - Domain 2
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.36. IAR-DST - Domain 3
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.37. IAR-DST - Domain 4
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.38. IAR-DST - Domain 5
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.39. IAR-DST - Domain 6
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.40. IAR-DST - Domain 7
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.41. IAR-DST - Domain 8
For details about values of this field, please refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 1:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 2:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 3:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
- 4:
Refer to the relevant IAR-DST specification linked above
5.4.42. IAR-DST - Practitioner Level of Care
The individualised level of care assessed by the practitioner for the referral
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Level 1 - Self Management
- 2:
Level 2 - Low Intensity Services
- 3:
Level 3 - Moderate Intensity Services
- 4:
Level 4 - High Intensity Services
- 5:
Level 5 - Acute and Specialist Community Mental Health Services
- 9:
Not stated
- Notes:
Please refer to the Levels of Care section in the documentation for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using.
This field was added on 25/2/2021. IAR-DST data entered into the PMHC-MDS before 25/2/2021 will have the Practitioner Level of Care set to 9: Missing. All data entered after 25/2/2021 must use responses 1-5.
5.4.43. IAR-DST - Recommended Level of Care
The information gathered through the initial assessment is used to assign a recommended level of care and inform a referral decision. The levels of care are not intended to replace individualised assessment and care - rather to provide information to guide decision making.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Level 1 - Self Management
- 1+:
Level 1 or above - Review assessment on Contextual Domains to determine most appropriate placement
- 2:
Level 2 - Low Intensity Services
- 2+:
Level 2 or above - Review assessment on Contextual Domains to determine most appropriate placement
- 3:
Level 3 - Moderate Intensity Services
- 3+:
Level 3 or above - Review assessment on Contextual Domains to determine most appropriate placement
- 4:
Level 4 - High Intensity Services
- 4+:
Level 4 or above - Review assessment on Contextual Domains to determine most appropriate placement
- 5:
Level 5 - Acute and Specialist Community Mental Health Services
- Notes:
Please refer to the Levels of Care section in the documentation for the version of the IAR-DST that you are using.
5.4.45. IAR-DST - Version
The version of the IAR-DST collected.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2.child:
- 2.adolescent:
- 2.adult:
- 2.older-adult:
5.4.46. Intake Key
This is a number or code assigned to each intake. The Intake Key is unique and stable for each intake at the level of the organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Intake Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the provider organisation level and must persist across time. Creation of intake keys in this way allows clients to be merged (where duplicate Client Keys have been identified) without having to re-allocate intake identifiers since they can never clash.
A recommended approach for the creation of Intake Keys is to compute random UUIDs.
5.4.47. Intake Organisation Path
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing the intake to the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A combination of the Primary Health Network’s (PHN’s) Organisation Key and the Provider Organisation’s Organisation Key separated by a colon.
Here is an example organisation structure showing the Organisation Path for each organisation:
Organisation Key
Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Commissioning Organisation
Organisation Path
Test PHN
Primary Health Network
Test Provider Organisation
Private Allied Health Professional Practice
5.4.49. Interpreter Used
Whether an interpreter service was used during the Service Contact
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
Not stated
- Notes:
Interpreter services includes verbal language, non-verbal language and languages other than English.
- 1 - Yes
Use this code where interpreter services were used during the Service Contact. Use of interpreter services for any form of sign language or other forms of non-verbal communication should be coded as Yes.
- 2 - No
Use this code where interpreter services were not used during the Service Contact.
- 9 - Not stated
Indicates that the item was not collected. This item should not appear as an option for clinicians, it is for administrative use only.
5.4.50. Key
A metadata key name.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
Current allowed metadata keys are type and version.
Please refer to Metadata file for an example of the metadata file/worksheet that must be used with this specification.
5.4.51. K5 - Question 1
In the last 4 weeks, about how often did you feel nervous?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.52. K5 - Question 2
In the last 4 weeks, about how often did you feel without hope?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.53. K5 - Question 3
In the last 4 weeks, about how often did you feel restless or jumpy?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.54. K5 - Question 4
In the last 4 weeks, about how often did you feel everything was an effort?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.55. K5 - Question 5
In the last 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.56. K5 - Score
The overall K5 score.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
5 - 25, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
The K5 Total score is based on the sum of K5 item 1 through 5 (range: 5-25).
The Total score is computed as the sum of the item scores. If any item has not been completed (that is, has not been coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), it is excluded from the calculation and not counted as a valid item. If any item is missing, the Total Score is set as missing.
For the Total score, the missing value used should be 99.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.58. K10+ - Question 1
In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.59. K10+ - Question 2
In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel nervous?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.60. K10+ - Question 3
In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.61. K10+ - Question 4
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel hopeless?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.62. K10+ - Question 5
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel restless or fidgety?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.63. K10+ - Question 6
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.64. K10+ - Question 7
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel depressed?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.65. K10+ - Question 8
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel that everything was an effort?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.66. K10+ - Question 9
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.67. K10+ - Question 10
In the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel worthless?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When reporting total score use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’
5.4.68. K10+ - Question 11
In the past four weeks, how many days were you totally unable to work, study or manage your day to day activities because of these feelings?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 28, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When the client’s responses to Q1-10 are all recorded as 1 ‘None of the time’, they are not required to answer questions 11-14. Where this question has not been answered a response of ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’ should be selected.
5.4.69. K10+ - Question 12
Aside from those days, in the past four weeks, how many days were you able to work or study or manage your day to day activities, but had to cut down on what you did because of these feelings?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 28, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When the client’s responses to Q1-10 are all recorded as 1 ‘None of the time’, they are not required to answer questions 11-14. Where this question has not been answered a response of ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’ should be selected.
5.4.70. K10+ - Question 13
In the past four weeks, how many times have you seen a doctor or any other health professional about these feelings?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 89, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When the client’s responses to Q1-10 are all recorded as 1 ‘None of the time’, they are not required to answer questions 11-14. Where this question has not been answered a response of ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’ should be selected.
5.4.71. K10+ - Question 14
In the past four weeks, how often have physical health problems been the main cause of these feelings?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
None of the time
- 2:
A little of the time
- 3:
Some of the time
- 4:
Most of the time
- 5:
All of the time
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
When the client’s responses to Q1-10 are all recorded as 1 ‘None of the time’, they are not required to answer questions 11-14. Where this question has not been answered a response of ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’ should be selected.
5.4.72. K10+ - Score
The overall K10 score.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
10 - 50, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
The K10 Total score is based on the sum of K10 item 01 through 10 (range: 10-50). Items 11 through 14 are excluded from the total because they are separate measures of disability associated with the problems referred to in the preceding ten items.
The Total score is computed as the sum of the scores for items 1 to 10. If any item has not been completed (that is, has not been coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), it is excluded from the total
When items 01 through 10 has one item “not stated/missing” (value 9), the Total Score is pro-rated using the following formula:
Total score = round( sum of valid item scores / 9 * 10 )
When items 01 through 10 has more than one item “not stated/missing” (value 9), the Total Score is set as invalid. Where this is the case, the “not stated/missing” (value 99) should be used.
For more information on scoring the K10+, please refer to page 58 of AMHOCN’s Overview of clinician-rated and consumer self-report measures at https://www.amhocn.org/sites/default/files/publication_files/nocc_clinician_and_self-report_measures_overview_v2.1_20210913_1.pdf
When upload report individual item scores and use a Total Score ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’, the PMHC MDS will calculate the total score.
5.4.74. Labour Force Status
The self-reported status the person currently has in being either in the labour force (employed/unemployed) or not in the labour force, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
Not in the Labour Force
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
- 1 - Employed
Employed persons are those aged 15 years and over who met one of the following criteria during the reference week:
Worked for one hour or more for pay, profit, commission or payment in kind, in a job or business or son a farm (employees and owner managers of incorporated or unincorporated enterprises).
Worked for one hour or more without pay in a family business or on a farm (contributing family workers).
Were employees who had a job but were not at work and were:
away from work for less than four weeks up to the end of the reference week; or
away from work for more than four weeks up to the end of the reference week and
received pay for some or all of the four week period to the end of the reference week; or
away from work as a standard work or shift arrangement; or
on strike or locked out; or
on workers’ compensation and expected to return to their job.
Were owner managers who had a job, business or farm, but were not at work.
- 2 - Unemployed
Unemployed persons are those aged 15 years and over who were not employed during the reference week, and:
had actively looked for full time or part time work at any time in the four weeks up to the end of the reference week and were available for work in the reference week; or
were waiting to start a new job within four weeks from the end of the reference week and could have started in the reference week if the job had been available then.
Actively looked for work includes:
written, telephoned or applied to an employer for work;
had an interview with an employer for work;
answered an advertisement for a job;
checked or registered with a Job Services Australia provider or any other employment agency;
taken steps to purchase or start your own business;
advertised or tendered for work; and
contacted friends or relatives in order to obtain work.
- 3 - Not in the labour force
Persons not in the labour force are those aged 15 years and over who were not in the categories employed or unemployed, as defined, during the reference week. They include people who undertook unpaid household duties or other voluntary work only, were retired, voluntarily inactive and those permanently unable to work.
- 9 - Not stated/inadequately described
Includes children under 15 (0-14 years)
5.4.75. Legal Name
The legal name of the provider organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
5.4.76. Main Language Spoken at Home
The language reported by a client as the main language other than English spoken by that client in his/her home (or most recent private residential setting occupied by the client) to communicate with other residents of the home or setting and regular visitors, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (4)
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1101:
Gaelic (Scotland)
- 1102:
- 1103:
- 1199:
Celtic, nec
- 1201:
- 1301:
- 1302:
- 1303:
- 1401:
- 1402:
- 1403:
- 1501:
- 1502:
- 1503:
- 1504:
- 1599:
Scandinavian, nec
- 1601:
- 1602:
- 1699:
Finnish and Related Languages, nec
- 2101:
- 2201:
- 2301:
- 2302:
- 2303:
- 2399:
Iberian Romance, nec
- 2401:
- 2501:
- 2901:
- 2902:
- 2999:
Other Southern European Languages, nec
- 3101:
- 3102:
- 3301:
- 3401:
- 3402:
- 3403:
- 3501:
- 3502:
- 3503:
- 3504:
- 3505:
- 3506:
- 3507:
Serbo-Croatian/Yugoslavian, so described
- 3601:
- 3602:
- 3603:
- 3604:
Czechoslovakian, so described
- 3901:
- 3903:
Aromunian (Macedo-Romanian)
- 3904:
- 3905:
- 3999:
Other Eastern European Languages, nec
- 4101:
- 4102:
- 4104:
- 4105:
- 4106:
Persian (excluding Dari)
- 4107:
- 4199:
Iranic, nec
- 4202:
- 4204:
- 4206:
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic
- 4207:
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic
- 4208:
Mandaean (Mandaic)
- 4299:
Middle Eastern Semitic Languages, nec
- 4301:
- 4302:
- 4303:
- 4304:
- 4305:
- 4306:
- 4399:
Turkic, nec
- 4901:
- 4902:
- 4999:
Other Southwest and Central Asian Languages, nec
- 5101:
- 5102:
- 5103:
- 5104:
- 5105:
- 5199:
Dravidian, nec
- 5201:
- 5202:
- 5203:
- 5204:
- 5205:
- 5206:
- 5207:
- 5208:
- 5211:
- 5212:
- 5213:
- 5214:
- 5215:
- 5216:
- 5217:
Fijian Hindustani
- 5299:
Indo-Aryan, nec
- 5999:
Other Southern Asian Languages
- 6101:
- 6102:
Chin Haka
- 6103:
- 6104:
- 6105:
- 6199:
Burmese and Related Languages, nec
- 6201:
- 6299:
Hmong-Mien, nec
- 6301:
- 6302:
- 6303:
- 6399:
Mon-Khmer, nec
- 6401:
- 6402:
- 6499:
Tai, nec
- 6501:
- 6502:
- 6503:
- 6504:
- 6505:
- 6507:
- 6508:
- 6511:
- 6512:
- 6513:
- 6514:
- 6515:
- 6516:
- 6517:
Ilonggo (Hiligaynon)
- 6518:
- 6521:
- 6599:
Southeast Asian Austronesian Languages, nec
- 6999:
Other Southeast Asian Languages
- 7101:
- 7102:
- 7104:
- 7106:
- 7107:
Min Nan
- 7199:
Chinese, nec
- 7201:
- 7301:
- 7901:
- 7902:
- 7999:
Other Eastern Asian Languages, nec
- 8101:
- 8111:
- 8113:
- 8114:
- 8115:
- 8117:
- 8121:
- 8122:
- 8123:
- 8127:
- 8128:
- 8131:
- 8132:
- 8133:
- 8136:
- 8137:
Malak Malak
- 8138:
- 8141:
- 8142:
- 8143:
- 8144:
- 8146:
Murrinh Patha
- 8147:
- 8148:
Ndjebbana (Gunavidji)
- 8151:
- 8152:
- 8153:
- 8154:
- 8155:
- 8156:
- 8157:
- 8158:
- 8161:
- 8162:
- 8163:
- 8164:
- 8165:
- 8166:
Marridan (Maridan)
- 8171:
- 8172:
- 8173:
- 8174:
- 8175:
- 8179:
Kunwinjkuan, nec
- 8181:
- 8182:
- 8183:
- 8189:
Burarran, nec
- 8199:
Arnhem Land and Daly River Region Languages, nec
- 8211:
- 8212:
- 8213:
- 8219:
Dhangu, nec
- 8221:
- 8222:
- 8229:
Dhay’yi, nec
- 8231:
- 8232:
- 8233:
- 8234:
- 8235:
- 8236:
- 8239:
Dhuwal, nec
- 8242:
- 8243:
- 8244:
- 8246:
- 8247:
- 8249:
Dhuwala, nec
- 8251:
- 8259:
Djinang, nec
- 8261:
- 8262:
- 8263:
- 8269:
Djinba, nec
- 8271:
- 8272:
- 8279:
Yakuy, nec
- 8281:
- 8282:
- 8289:
Nhangu, nec
- 8291:
- 8292:
- 8293:
- 8294:
- 8295:
- 8299:
Other Yolngu Matha, nec
- 8301:
Kuku Yalanji
- 8302:
Guugu Yimidhirr
- 8303:
- 8304:
Wik Mungkan
- 8305:
- 8306:
- 8307:
- 8308:
- 8311:
Kuuk Thayorre
- 8312:
- 8313:
- 8314:
Wik Ngathan
- 8315:
- 8316:
Kugu Muminh
- 8317:
- 8318:
- 8321:
- 8322:
- 8399:
Cape York Peninsula Languages, nec
- 8401:
Kalaw Kawaw Ya/Kalaw Lagaw Ya
- 8402:
Meriam Mir
- 8403:
Yumplatok (Torres Strait Creole)
- 8504:
- 8505:
- 8506:
Gurindji Kriol
- 8507:
- 8508:
Light Warlpiri
- 8511:
- 8512:
- 8514:
- 8515:
- 8516:
- 8517:
- 8518:
- 8521:
- 8522:
- 8599:
Northern Desert Fringe Area Languages, nec
- 8603:
- 8606:
- 8607:
- 8611:
Central Anmatyerr
- 8612:
Eastern Anmatyerr
- 8619:
Anmatyerr, nec
- 8621:
Eastern Arrernte
- 8622:
Western Arrarnta
- 8629:
Arrernte, nec
- 8699:
Arandic, nec
- 8703:
- 8704:
- 8705:
- 8706:
- 8707:
- 8708:
- 8711:
Martu Wangka
- 8712:
- 8713:
- 8714:
- 8715:
- 8716:
- 8717:
- 8718:
- 8721:
- 8722:
- 8799:
Western Desert Languages, nec
- 8801:
- 8802:
- 8803:
- 8804:
- 8805:
- 8806:
- 8807:
- 8808:
- 8811:
- 8812:
- 8813:
- 8814:
- 8815:
- 8899:
Kimberley Area Languages, nec
- 8901:
- 8902:
- 8903:
- 8904:
- 8905:
- 8906:
- 8907:
- 8908:
- 8911:
- 8913:
- 8914:
- 8915:
- 8916:
- 8917:
- 8918:
- 8921:
- 8922:
- 8924:
- 8925:
- 8926:
- 8927:
- 8928:
- 8931:
- 8932:
- 8933:
- 8934:
- 8935:
- 8936:
- 8937:
- 8938:
- 8941:
- 8943:
- 8944:
- 8945:
Yorta Yorta
- 8946:
- 8947:
- 8948:
- 8951:
Dadi Dadi
- 8952:
- 8953:
- 8954:
- 8955:
- 8956:
Ladji Ladji
- 8957:
- 8958:
- 8961:
- 8962:
- 8963:
- 8964:
- 8965:
- 8998:
Aboriginal English, so described
- 8999:
Other Australian Indigenous Languages, nec
- 9101:
American Languages
- 9201:
- 9203:
- 9205:
Mauritian Creole
- 9206:
- 9207:
- 9208:
- 9211:
- 9212:
- 9213:
- 9214:
- 9215:
- 9216:
- 9217:
- 9218:
- 9221:
- 9222:
- 9223:
- 9224:
- 9225:
- 9226:
- 9227:
- 9228:
- 9231:
- 9232:
Nyanja (Chichewa)
- 9233:
- 9234:
- 9235:
- 9236:
- 9237:
- 9238:
Seychelles Creole
- 9241:
- 9242:
- 9243:
- 9244:
Dan (Gio-Dan)
- 9245:
- 9246:
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)
- 9247:
Kirundi (Rundi)
- 9248:
- 9251:
- 9252:
Liberian (Liberian English)
- 9253:
Loma (Lorma)
- 9254:
Lumun (Kuku Lumun)
- 9255:
- 9256:
- 9257:
- 9258:
Moro (Nuba Moro)
- 9261:
- 9262:
- 9299:
African Languages, nec
- 9301:
- 9302:
- 9303:
Maori (Cook Island)
- 9304:
Maori (New Zealand)
- 9306:
- 9307:
- 9308:
- 9311:
- 9312:
- 9313:
- 9314:
- 9315:
- 9399:
Pacific Austronesian Languages, nec
- 9402:
- 9403:
Hawaiian English
- 9404:
- 9405:
Solomon Islands Pijin
- 9499:
Oceanian Pidgins and Creoles, nec
- 9502:
- 9503:
Motu (HiriMotu)
- 9504:
Tok Pisin (Neomelanesian)
- 9599:
Papua New Guinea Languages, nec
- 9601:
Invented Languages
- 9701:
- 9702:
Key Word Sign Australia
- 9799:
Sign Languages, nec
- 9999:
- Notes:
Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL), 2016 4-digit code (ABS Catalogue No. 1267.0) or 9999 if info is not known or client refuses to supply.
The ABS recommends the following question in order to collect this data: Which language does the client mainly speak at home? (If more than one language, indicate the one that is spoken most often.)
Organisations are encouraged to produce customised lists of the most common countries based on their local populations from the above resource. Please refer to Main Language Spoken at Home for help on designing forms.
- ABS:
5.4.77. Marital Status
A person’s current relationship status in terms of a couple relationship or, for those not in a couple relationship, the existence of a current or previous registered marriage, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Never married
- 2:
- 3:
- 4:
- 5:
Married (registered and de facto)
- 6:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
Refers to the current marital status of a person.
- 2 - Widowed
This code usually refers to registered marriages but when self-reported may also refer to de facto marriages.
- 4 - Separated
This code refers to registered marriages but when self-reported may also refer to de facto marriages.
- 5 - Married (registered and de facto)
Includes people who have been divorced or widowed but have since re-married, and should be generally accepted as applicable to all de facto couples, including of the same sex.
- 6 - Not stated/inadequately described
This code is not for use on primary collection forms. It is primarily for use in administrative collections when transferring data from data sets where the item has not been collected.
5.4.78. Measure Key
This is a number or code assigned to each instance of a measure. The Measure Key is unique and stable for each instance of a measure at the level of the organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Measure keys are case sensitive and must be valid unicode characters.
5.4.79. Medication - Antidepressants (N06A)
Whether the client is taking prescribed antidepressants for a mental health condition as assessed at intake assessment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
The N06A class of drugs a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products. It covers drugs designed for the depressive disorders.
Details of drugs included in the category can be found here: http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=N06A
5.4.80. Medication - Antipsychotics (N05A)
Whether the client is taking prescribed antipsychotics for a mental health condition as assessed at intake assessment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
The N05A class of drugs a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products. It covers drugs designed for the treatment of psychotic disorders.
Details of drugs included in the category can be found here: http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=N05A
5.4.81. Medication - Anxiolytics (N05B)
Whether the client is taking prescribed anxiolytics for a mental health condition as assessed at intake assessment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
The N05B class of drugs a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products. It covers drugs designed for the treatment of disorders associated with anxiety and tension.
Details of drugs included in the category can be found here: http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=N05B
5.4.82. Medication - Hypnotics and sedatives (N05C)
Whether the client is taking prescribed hypnotics and sedatives for a mental health condition as assessed at intake assessment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
The N05C class of drugs a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products. It covers drugs designed to have mainly sedative or hypnotic actions. Hypnotic drugs are used to induce sleep and treat severe insomnia. Sedative drugs are prescribed to reduce excitability or anxiety.
Details of drugs included in the category can be found here: http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=N05C
5.4.83. Medication - Psychostimulants and nootropics (N06B)
Whether the client is taking prescribed psychostimulants and nootropics for a mental health condition as assessed at intake assessment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
The N06B class of drugs a therapeutic subgroup of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System, a system of alphanumeric codes developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the classification of drugs and other medical products. It covers drugs designed to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and to improve impaired cognitive abilities.
Details of drugs included in the category can be found here: http://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=N06B
5.4.84. Modality
How the service contact was delivered, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
No contact took place
- 1:
Face to Face
- 2:
- 3:
- 4:
- 5:
- Notes:
- 0 - No contact took place
Only use this code where the service contact is recorded as a no show.
- 1 - Face to Face
If ‘Face to Face’ is selected, a value other than ‘Not applicable’ must be selected for Service Contact Venue
If ‘Face to Face’ is selected a valid Australian postcode must be entered for Service Contact Postcode. The unknown postcode is not valid.
- 2 - Telephone
Includes any voice based communication that does not use video, regardless of the technology used to provide the voice communication. For example, this could either be over land line telephone, mobile telephone, VoIP.
- 3 - Video
Includes any video based communication.
- 4 - Internet-based
Any internet based communications that do not fall into the 2 - Telephone or 3 - Video categories. This includes email communication, providing the communication would normally warrant a dated entry in the clinical record of the client, involving a third party, such as a carer or family member, and/or other professional or mental health worker, or other service provider.
- 5 - SMS
Service contacts via SMS messaging can only be recorded as a service contact if it is evident there is an exchange of messages, between the sender and receiver, relevant to the clinical condition of the client. SMS messaging will be counted as one service contact where the nature of the service would normally warrant a dated entry in the clinical record of the client.
Note: If Service Contact Modality is not ‘Face to Face’ the postcode must be entered as unknown 9999.
5.4.85. Name
The name of the provider organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,100)
- Required:
5.4.86. NDIS Participant
Is the client a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme?, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
5.4.87. No Show
Where an appointment was made for an intended participant(s), but the intended participant(s) failed to attend the appointment, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- Notes:
- 1 - Yes
The intended participant(s) failed to attend the appointment.
- 2 - No
The intended participant(s) attended the appointment.
5.4.88. Organisation End Date
The date on which a provider organisation stopped delivering services.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
If the organisation end date is unknown, use 09099999.
For validation rules please refer to Organisation.
5.4.89. Organisation Key
A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies the provider organisation to the Primary Health Network. Assigned by the Primary Health Network.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
Organisation Keys must be generated by the PHN to be unique and must persist across time. See Managing Provider Organisation Keys
Organisation keys are case sensitive and must be valid unicode characters.
5.4.90. Organisation Path
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation providing a service to the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A combination of the Primary Health Network’s (PHN’s) Organisation Key and the Provider Organisation’s Organisation Key separated by a colon.
Here is an example organisation structure showing the Organisation Path for each organisation:
Organisation Key
Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Commissioning Organisation
Organisation Path
Test PHN
Primary Health Network
Test Provider Organisation
Private Allied Health Professional Practice
5.4.91. Organisation Start Date
The date on which a provider organisation started delivering services.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
For validation rules please refer to Organisation.
5.4.93. Organisation Type
The category that best describes the provider organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Private Allied Health Professional Practice
- 2:
Private Psychiatry Practice
- 3:
General Medical Practice
- 4:
Private Hospital
- 5:
Headspace Centre
- 6:
Early Youth Psychosis Centre
- 7:
Community-managed Community Support Organisation
- 8:
Aboriginal Health/Medical Service
- 9:
State/Territory Health Service Organisation
- 10:
Drug and/or Alcohol Service
- 11:
Primary Health Network
- 12:
Medicare Local
- 13:
Division of General Practice
- 98:
- 99:
- Notes:
- 1 - Private Allied Health Professional Practice
The provider organisation is a group of single- or multi-discipline allied health practitioners operating as private service providers. This includes both group and solo practitioner entities.
- 2 - Private Psychiatry practice
The provider organisation is a Private Psychiatry practice. This includes both group and solo practitioner entities.
- 3 - General Medical Practice
The provider organisation is a General Medical Practice. This includes both group and solo practitioner entities.
- 4 - Private Hospital
The provider organisation is a private hospital. This includes for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals.
- 5 - Headspace Centre
The provider organisation is a Headspace centre, delivering services funded by the PHN.
Note: Headspace and Early Psychosis Youth Centres currently collect and report a standardised dataset to headspace National Office. Pending the future of these arrangements, reporting of the PMHC minimum data set is not required by those organisations previously funded through headspace National Office that transitioned to PHNs. Where new or additional services are commissioned by PHNs and delivered through existing Headspace or Early Psychosis Youth Centres, local decisions will be required as to whether these services can be captured through headspace National Office sustem or are better reported through the PMHC MDS.
- 6 - Early Youth Psychosis Centre
The provider organisation is a Early Youth Psychosis Centre, delivering services funded by the PHN.
Note: See Note above re Headspace.
- 7 - Community-managed Community Support Organisation
The provider organisation is a community-managed (non-government) organisation that primarily delivers disability-related or social support services.
- 8 - Aboriginal Health/Medical Service
The provider organisation is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander-controlled health service organisation.
- 9 - State/Territory Health Service Organisation
The provider organisation is a health service entity principally funded by a state or territory government. This includes all services delivered through Local Hospital Networks (variously named across jurisdictions).
- 10 - Drug and/or Alcohol Service Organisation
The provider organisation is an organisation that provides specialised drug and alcohol treatment services. The organisation may be operating in the government or non-government sector, and where the latter, may be for-profit or not-for-profit.
- 11 - Primary Health Network
The PHN is the provider organisation and employs the service delivery practitioners. This may occur during the transition period as the PHN moves to a full commissioning role, or in cases of market failure where there is no option to commission external providers.
- 12 - Medicare Local
The provider organisation is a former Medicare Local entity.
- 13 - Division of General Practice
The provider organisation is a former Division of General Practice entity.
- 98 - Other
The provider organisation cannot be described by any of the available options.
5.4.94. Organisation type referred to at Episode conclusion
Type of organisation to which the the client was referred at the Episode conclusion.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
None/Not applicable
- 1:
General Practice
- 2:
Medical Specialist Consulting Rooms
- 3:
Private practice
- 4:
Public mental health service
- 5:
Public Hospital
- 6:
Private Hospital
- 7:
Emergency Department
- 8:
Community Health Centre
- 9:
Drug and Alcohol Service
- 10:
Community Support Organisation NFP
- 11:
Indigenous Health Organisation
- 12:
Child and Maternal Health
- 13:
Nursing Service
- 14:
Telephone helpline
- 15:
Digital health service
- 16:
Family Support Service
- 17:
- 18:
Tertiary Education institution
- 19:
Housing service
- 20:
- 21:
- 22:
HeadtoHelp / HeadtoHealth Hub
- 23:
Other PHN funded service
- 24:
- 99:
Not stated
Multiple space separated values allowed
- Notes:
Medical Specialist Consulting Rooms includes private medical practitioner rooms in public or private hospital or other settings.
Public mental health service refers to a state- or territory-funded specialised mental health services (i.e., specialised mental health care delivered in public acute and psychiatric hospital settings, community mental health care services, and specialised residential mental health care services).
5.4.95. Organisation type referred to at Intake conclusion
Type of organisation to which the the client was referred at the Intake conclusion.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
GP/Medical Practitioner
- 2:
- 3:
Psychiatric/mental health service or facility
- 4:
Alcohol and other drug treatment service
- 5:
Other community/health care service
- 6:
Correctional service
- 7:
Police diversion
- 8:
Court diversion
- 9:
Legal service
- 10:
Child protection agency
- 11:
Community support groups/agencies
- 12:
Centrelink or employment service
- 13:
Housing and homelessness service
- 14:
Telephone & online services/referral agency e.g. direct line
- 15:
Disability support service
- 16:
Aged care facility/service
- 17:
Immigration department or asylum seeker/refugee support service
- 18:
School/other education or training institution
- 19:
Community based Drug and Alcohol Service
- 20:
Youth service (non-AOD)
- 21:
Indigenous service (non-AOD)
- 22:
Extended care/rehabilitation facility
- 23:
Palliative care service
- 24:
Police (not diversion)
- 25:
Public dental provider - community dental agency
- 26:
Dental Hospital
- 27:
Private Dental Provider
- 28:
Early childhood service
- 29:
Maternal and Child Health Service
- 30:
Community nursing service
- 31:
Emergency relief
- 32:
Family support service (excl family violence)
- 33:
Family violence service
- 34:
Gambling support service
- 35:
Maternity services
- 36:
Peer support/self-help group
- 37:
Private allied health provider
- 38:
Sexual Assault service
- 39:
Financial counsellor
- 40:
Sexual health service
- 41:
Medical specialist
- 42:
- 43:
Other PHN funded service
- 44:
HeadtoHelp / HeadtoHealth
- 97:
No Referral
- 98:
- 99:
Not stated/Inadequately described
Multiple space separated values allowed
- Notes:
Medical Specialist Consulting Rooms includes private medical practitioner rooms in public or private hospital or other settings.
Public mental health service refers to a state- or territory-funded specialised mental health services (i.e., specialised mental health care delivered in public acute and psychiatric hospital settings, community mental health care services, and specialised residential mental health care services).
The intent is that each referral out only has one organisation type and that multiple organisation types imples multiple referrals. Where an organisation could belong to multiple types, the type that best suits the reason for the referral should be selected.
5.4.96. Participants
An indication of who participated in the Service Contact.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Individual client
- 2:
Client group
- 3:
Family / Client Support Network
- 4:
Other health professional or service provider
- 5:
- 9:
Not stated
- Notes:
- 1 - Individual
Code applies for Service Contacts delivered individually to a single client without third party participants. Please refer to the Note below.
- 2 - Client group
Code applies for Service Contacts delivered on a group basis to two or more clients.
- 3 - Family / Client Support Network
Code applies to Service Contacts delivered to the family/social support persons of the client, with or without the participation of the client.
- 4 - Other health professional or service provider
Code applies for Service Contacts that involve another health professional or service provider (in addition to the Practitioner/s), without the participation of the client or family support network.
- 5 - Other
Code applies to Service Contacts delivered to other third parties (e.g., teachers, employer), with or without the participation of the client.
Note: This item interacts with Client Participation Indicator. Where Participants has a value of ‘1: Individual’, Client Participation Indicator must have a value of ‘1: Yes’. No Show is used to record if the patient failed to attend the appointment.
5.4.97. Postcode
The Australian postcode where the service contact took place.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A valid Australian postcode or 9999 if the postcode is unknown. The full list of Australian Postcodes can be found at Australia Post.
If Service Contact Modality is not ‘Face to Face’ enter 9999
If Service Contact Modality is ‘Face to Face’ a valid Australian postcode must be entered
As of 1 November 2016, PMHC MDS currently validates that postcodes are in the range 0200-0299 or 0800-9999.
5.4.98. Practitioner Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Status
Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin
- 2:
Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin
- 3:
Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin
- 4:
Neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
- Code 9 is not to be available as a valid answer to the questions but is
intended for use:
Primarily when importing data from other data collections that do not contain mappable data.
Where an answer was refused.
Where the question was not able to be asked prior to completion of assistance because the client was unable to communicate or a person who knows the client was not available.
5.4.99. Practitioner Category
The type or category of the practitioner, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Clinical Psychologist
- 2:
General Psychologist
- 3:
Social Worker
- 4:
Occupational Therapist
- 5:
Mental Health Nurse
- 6:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health/Mental Health Worker
- 7:
Low Intensity Mental Health Worker
- 8:
General Practitioner
- 9:
- 10:
Other Medical
- 11:
- 12:
Psychosocial Support Worker
- 13:
Peer Support Worker
- 99:
Not stated
- Notes:
Practitioner category refers to the labour classification of the service provider delivering the Service Contact. Practitioners should be assigned to the code that best describes their role for which they are engaged to deliver services to clients. Practitioners are registered in the PMHC MDS by Provider Organisations, with each practitioner assigned a code that is unique within the organisation.
In most cases, Practitioner Category will be determined by the training and qualifications of the practitioner. However, in some instances, a practitioner may be employed in a capacity that does not necessarily reflect their formal qualifications. For example, a person with a social work qualification may be employed primarily as a peer support worker on the basis of their lived experience of a mental illness. In such instances, the practitioner should be classified as a peer support worker.
- 12 - Psychosocial Support Worker
Refers to practitioners who are principally employed to provide psychosocial support services to clients where the practitioner has specific training in the area (e.g., Cert 4 qualification) and cannot be better described by another category.
- 13 - Peer Support Worker
Refers to practitioners who are principally employed to provide support to clients on the basis of the practitioner’s lived experience of mental illness.
Changes in effect from 1 January 2019
Two new codes have been added to the existing Practitioner Category data item, to allow for Psychosocial Support Workers (new code 12) and Peer Support Workers (new code 13) who are typically employed in psychosocial support programs.
5.4.100. Practitioner Gender
The term ‘gender’ refers to the way in which a person identifies their masculine or feminine characteristics. A persons gender relates to their deeply held internal and individual sense of gender and is not always exclusively male or female. It may or may not correspond to their sex assigned at birth.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not stated/Inadequately described
- 1:
- 2:
- 3:
- Notes:
- 1 - M - Male
Adults who identify themselves as men, and children who identify themselves as boys.
- 2 - F - Female
Adults who identify themselves as women, and children who identify themselves as girls.
- 3 - X- Other
Adults and children who identify as non-binary, gender diverse, or with descriptors other than man/boy or woman/girl.
- ABS:
5.4.101. Practitioner Key
A unique identifier for a practitioner within the responsible provider organisation. Assigned by either the PHN or Provider Organisation depending on local procedures.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
PMHC MDS keys are case sensitive and must have between 2-50 valid unicode characters. Keys must start with A-Za-z0-9 (POSIX :alnum:).
Where data is being exported from client systems, these keys can be auto generated, providing that a key does not change once it is assigned.
Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the Provider Organisation level and must persist across time. Creation of keys in this way allows records to be merged (where duplicate keys of the same record type have been identified) without having to re-allocate keys since they can never clash.
A recommended approach for the creation of keys is to compute random UUIDs.
5.4.103. Primary Practitioner Indicator
An indicator of whether the practitioner was the primary practitioner responsible for the service contact.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
5.4.104. Principal Diagnosis
The Principal Diagnosis is the diagnosis established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning the client’s care during the current Episode of Care.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 100:
Anxiety disorders (ATAPS)
- 101:
Panic disorder
- 102:
- 103:
Social phobia
- 104:
Generalised anxiety disorder
- 105:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- 106:
Post-traumatic stress disorder
- 107:
Acute stress disorder
- 108:
Other anxiety disorder
- 200:
Affective (Mood) disorders (ATAPS)
- 201:
Major depressive disorder
- 202:
- 203:
Depressive disorder NOS
- 204:
Bipolar disorder
- 205:
Cyclothymic disorder
- 206:
Other affective disorder
- 300:
Substance use disorders (ATAPS)
- 301:
Alcohol harmful use
- 302:
Alcohol dependence
- 303:
Other drug harmful use
- 304:
Other drug dependence
- 305:
Other substance use disorder
- 400:
Psychotic disorders (ATAPS)
- 401:
- 402:
Schizoaffective disorder
- 403:
Brief psychotic disorder
- 404:
Other psychotic disorder
- 501:
Separation anxiety disorder
- 502:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- 503:
Conduct disorder
- 504:
Oppositional defiant disorder
- 505:
Pervasive developmental disorder
- 506:
Other disorder of childhood and adolescence
- 601:
Adjustment disorder
- 602:
Eating disorder
- 603:
Somatoform disorder
- 604:
Personality disorder
- 605:
Other mental disorder
- 901:
Anxiety symptoms
- 902:
Depressive symptoms
- 903:
Mixed anxiety and depressive symptoms
- 904:
Stress related
- 905:
- 999:
- Notes:
Diagnoses are grouped into 8 major categories (9 for Additional Diagnosis):
000 - No additional diagnosis (Additional Diagnosis only)
1xx - Anxiety disorders
2xx - Affective (Mood) disorders
3xx - Substance use disorders
4xx - Psychotic disorders
5xx - Disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence not listed elsewhere
6xx - Other mental disorders
9xx except 999 - No formal mental disorder but subsyndromal problems
999 - Missing or Unknown
The Principal Diagnosis should be determined by the treating or supervising clinical practitioner who is responsible for providing, or overseeing, services delivered to the client during their current episode of care. Each episode of care must have a Principal Diagnosis recorded and may have an Additional Diagnoses. In some instances the client’s Principal Diagnosis may not be clear at initial contact and require a period of contact before a reliable diagnosis can be made. If a client has more than one diagnosis, the Principal Diagnosis should reflect the main presenting problem. Any secondary diagnosis should be recorded under the Additional Diagnosis field.
The coding options developed for the PMHC MDS have been selected to balance comprehensiveness and brevity. They comprise a mix of the most prevalent mental disorders in the Australian adult, child and adolescent population, supplemented by less prevalent conditions that may be experienced by clients of PHN-commissioned mental health services. The diagnosis options are based on an abbreviated set of clinical terms and groupings specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR). These code list summarises the approximate 300 unique mental health disorder codes in the full DSM-IV to a set to 9 major categories, and 37 individual codes. Diagnoses are grouped under higher level categories, based on the DSM-IV. Code numbers have been assigned specifically for the PMHC MDS to create a logical ordering but are capable of being mapped to both DSM-IV and ICD-10 codes.
Options for recording Principal Diagnosis include the broad category ‘No formal mental disorder but subsyndromal problems’ (codes commencing with 9). These codes should be used for clients who present with problems that do not meet threshold criteria for a formal diagnosis - for example, people experiencing subsyndromal symptoms who may be at risk of progressing to a more severe symptom level.
Each category has a final entry for capturing other conditions that don’t meet the more specific entries in the category. This includes the ‘No formal mental disorder but subsyndromal problems’ category. Code 905 (‘Other symptoms’) can be used to capture situations where a formal mental disorder has not be diagnosed, but the symptoms do not fall under the more specific 9XX series entries. The 905 code should not be used where there is a formal but unlisted mental disorder. In such a situation code 605 (‘Other mental disorder’) should be used.
Reference: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Copyright 2000 American Psychiatric Association.
The following responses have been added to allow mapping of ATAPS data to PMHC format.
100: Anxiety disorders (ATAPS)
200: Affective (Mood) disorders (ATAPS)
300: Substance use disorders (ATAPS)
400: Psychotic disorders (ATAPS)
Note: These four codes should only be used for Episodes that are migrated from ATAPS MDS sources that cannot be described by any other Diagnosis. It is expected that the majority of Episodes delivered to clients from 1st July, 2017 can be assigned to other diagnoses.
These responses will only be allowed on episodes where the original ATAPS referral date was before 1 July 2017
These responses will only be allowed on episodes with the !ATAPS flag.
5.4.105. Principal Focus of Treatment Plan
The range of activities that best describes the overall services intended to be delivered to the client throughout the course of the episode. For most clients, this will equate to the activities that account for most time spent by the service provider.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Psychological therapy
- 2:
Low intensity psychological intervention
- 3:
Clinical care coordination
- 4:
Complex care package
- 5:
Child and youth-specific mental health services
- 6:
Indigenous-specific mental health services
- 7:
- Notes:
Describes the main focus of the services to be delivered to the client for the current Episode of Care, selected from a defined list of categories.
Service providers are required to report on the ‘Principal Focus of Treatment Plan’ for all accepted referrals. This requires a judgement to be made about the main focus of the services to be delivered to the client for the current Episode of Care, made following initial assessment and modifiable at a later stage. It is chosen from a defined list of categories, with the provider required to select the category that best fits the treatment plan designed for the client.
Principal Focus of Treatment Plan is necessarily a judgement made by the provider at the outset of service delivery but consistent with good practice, should be made on the basis of a treatment plan developed in collaboration with the client. It should not be confused with Service Type which is collected at each Service Contact.
- 1 - Psychological therapy
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around the delivery of psychological therapy by one or more mental health professionals. This category most closely matches the type of services delivered under the previous ATAPS program where up to 12 individual treatment sessions, and 18 in exceptional circumstances, could be provided. These sessions could be supplemented by up to 10 group-based sessions.
The concept of ‘mental health professionals’ has a specific meaning defined in the various guidance documentation prepared to support PHNs in implementation of reforms. It refers to service providers who meet the requirements for registration, credentialing or recognition as a qualified mental health professional and includes:
Registered Psychologists
Clinical Psychologists
Mental Health Nurses;
Occupational Therapists;
Social Workers
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers.
- 2 - Low intensity psychological intervention
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around delivery of time-limited, structured psychological interventions that are aimed at providing a less costly intervention alternative to ‘standard’ psychological therapy. The essence of low intensity interventions is that they utilise nil or relatively little qualified mental health professional time and are targeted at people with, or at risk of, mild mental illness. Low intensity episodes can be delivered through a range of mechanisms including:
use of individuals with appropriate competencies but who do not meet the requirements for registration, credentialing or recognition as a mental health professional;
delivery of services principally through group-based programs; and
delivery of brief or low cost forms of treatment by mental health professionals.
- 3 - Clinical care coordination
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around delivery of a range of services where the overarching aim is to coordinate and better integrate care for the individual across multiple providers with the aim of improving clinical outcomes. Consultation and liaison may occur with primary health care providers, acute health, emergency services, rehabilitation and support services or other agencies that have some level of responsibility for the client’s clinical outcomes. These clinical care coordination and liaison activities are expected to account for a significant proportion of service contacts delivered throughout these episodes.
Activities focused on working in partnership and liaison with other health care and service providers and other individuals to coordinate and integrate service delivery to the client with the aim of improving their clinical outcomes. Consultation and liaison may occur with primary health care providers, acute health, emergency services, rehabilitation and support services, family, friends, other support people and carers and other agencies that have some level of responsibility for the client’s treatment and/or well-being.
- 4 - Complex Care Package
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around the delivery of an individually tailored ‘package’ of services for a client with severe and complex mental illness who is being managed principally within a primary care setting. The overarching requirement is that the client receives an individually tailored ‘package’ of services that bundles a range of services that extends beyond ‘standard’ service delivery and which is funded through innovative, non-standard funding models. Note: As outlined in the relevant guidance documentation, only three selected PHN Lead Sites with responsibilities for trialling work in this area are expected to deliver complex care packages. A wider roll-out may be undertaken in the future pending results of the trial.
- 5 - Child and youth-specific mental health services
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around the delivery of a range of services for children (0-11 years) or youth (aged 12-24 years) who present with a mental illness, or are at risk of mental illness. These episodes are characterised by services that are designed specifically for children and young people, include a broader range of both clinical and non-clinical services and may include a significant component of clinical care coordination and liaison. Child and youth-specific mental health episodes have substantial flexibility in types of services actually delivered.
- 6 - Indigenous-specific services
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around delivery of mental health services that are specifically designed to provide culturally appropriate services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- 7 - Other
The treatment plan for the client is primarily based around services that cannot be described by other categories.
5.4.106. Proficiency in Spoken English
The self-assessed level of ability to speak English, asked of people whose first language is a language other than English or who speak a language other than English at home.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not applicable (persons under 5 years of age or who speak only English)
- 1:
Very well
- 2:
- 3:
Not well
- 4:
Not at all
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
- 0 - Not applicable (persons under 5 years of age or who speak only English)
Not applicable, is to be used for people under 5 years of age and people who speak only English.
- 9 - Not stated/inadequately described
Not stated/inadequately described, is not to be used on primary collection forms. It is primarily for use in administrative collections when transferring data from data sets where the item has not been collected.
5.4.107. Program Type
The overarching program area that an Intake or Episode record is associated with.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Flexible Funding Pool
- 2:
Head to Health
- 3:
- 4:
- 5:
Bushfire Recovery 2020
- 7:
Supporting Recovery
- Notes:
- 1 - Flexible Funding Pool
Organisations can use this field for episodes being delivered through all other Programs commissioned through Primary Mental Health Care Schedule that are not otherwise described by another category. This may include but is not limited to general Stepped Care, Mental Health in Residential Aged Care Facilities, and Indigenous Mental Health.
- 2 - Head to Health
Organisations can use this field for episodes delivered through the Head to Health Program. This includes Head to Health Adult Centres and Satellites and pop-up clinics.
NSW and Victorian pop-up clinics data have been identified using the Head to Help Version 3 extension and !covid19 tag. Any historical or new records that are identified this way will be mapped to this Program Type field under the Version 4 specification. The !covid19 tag will remain as a reserved tag for the original purpose of indicating that an episode has occurred as result of the COVID-19 pandemic once Head to Help Version 3 extension reaches it’s end of life date.
- 3 - AMHC
Organisations can use this field for episodes delivered through the Head to Health Program by organisations that were already delivering the Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) trial sites.
This change only applies to the following PHNs implementing AMHCs from December 2021:
West Victoria PHN
Northern Territory PHN
North Perth PHN
Nepean Blue Mountains PHN
North Queensland PHN
Tasmania PHN
AMHC data has been identified using the !amhc tag. Any historical records created on or before 30 June 2022 that use this tag will be mapped to this Program Type under the Version 4 specification. The !amhc tag will be removed from future use once PMHC MDS Version 2 specification reaches it’s end of life date.
From July 1 2022 the AMHC trial sites were consolidated under the Head to Health program. For data collection purposes, organisations delivering Head to Health services that were already delivering AMHC trial sites can use either the AMHC or Head to Health program type for records created on or after 1 July 2022.
- 4 - Psychosocial
Organisations can use this field for episodes delivered through the National Psychosocial Support Services Program.
Psychosocial data has been identified using the Principal Focus of Treatment Plan (PFOT) “Psychosocial” category. Any historical or new records that utilise the Psychosocial PFOT will be mapped to this Program Type field under the Version 4 specification. The Psychosocial PFOT category will no longer be available under the Version 4 specification and further guidance will be provided by the Department to support the management of this change in data collection requirements.
Any records that have the Psychosocial PFOT but also have a !covid19, !amhc, or !br20 tag will be mapped to the respective Program Type associated with those tags rather than the Psychosocial Program Type.
- 5 - Bushfire Recovery 2020
Organisations in fire affected communities can use this field for episodes delivered through the Australian Government Mental Health Response to Bushfire Trauma.
This data has been identified using the !br20 tag. Any historical or new records using this tag will be mapped to this Program Type field under the Version 4 specification. The !br20 tag will be removed from future use once the Bushfire Program is concluded.
- 7 - Supporting Recovery
Valid as of May 2024. Organisations can use this field for supports being provided under the Supporting Recovery pilot. The Supporting Recovery pilot provides case management services and trauma-informed mental health services to victim-survivors of family, domestic and sexual violence. As at April 2024, only the following PHNs are able to provide services under this pilot:
Gippsland PHN
Hunter New England and Central Coast PHN
Southwestern Sydney PHN
Brisbane South PHN
Northern Territory PHN, and
Country Western Australia PHN.
5.4.108. Referral Date
The date the referrer made the referral.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
The referral date is the date the client was originally referred to an MDS reporting service. Typically the referral is made by an external (non-MDS) provider - such as a general practitioner, but it may be another MDS reporting service or the client themselves.
Where there is a linked intake and treatment both the Intake and Episode records must use the same date - ie. the date the client was originally referred. The referral date is NOT the date that an intake service refers a client to a treatment organisation.
For clients who self refer, the referral date should be the date the client first contacted the intake service or provider organisation. For the intake of a client who self referred, the referral date will be the same as the Date client contacted Intake.
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
The referral date for Intakes must not be before 1st January 2020.
The referral date for Episodes must not be before 1st January 2014.
The referral date must not be in the future.
Referral date was optional in specifications prior to Version 4. In Version 4 referral date has been made mandatory. In order to export and re-upload episode data that was uploaded or entered prior to Version 4 the value ‘09099999’ will be used in data exports and allowed for existing episode data without a referral date. See Episode for rules on how this value may be used.
5.4.109. Referred to Organisation Path
A sequence of colon separated Organisation Keys that fully specifies the Provider Organisation to which the intake referred the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
A combination of the referred to Primary Health Network’s (PHN’s) Organisation Key and the referred to Provider Organisation’s Organisation Key separated by a colon.
Here is an example organisation structure showing the Organisation Path for each organisation:
Organisation Key
Organisation Name
Organisation Type
Commissioning Organisation
Organisation Path
Test PHN
Primary Health Network
Test Provider Organisation
Private Allied Health Professional Practice
5.4.110. Referrer Organisation Type
Type of organisation in which the referring professional is based.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
General Practice
- 2:
Medical Specialist Consulting Rooms
- 3:
Private practice
- 4:
Public mental health service
- 5:
Public Hospital
- 6:
Private Hospital
- 7:
Emergency Department
- 8:
Community Health Centre
- 9:
Drug and Alcohol Service
- 10:
Community Support Organisation NFP
- 11:
Indigenous Health Organisation
- 12:
Child and Maternal Health
- 13:
Nursing Service
- 14:
Telephone helpline
- 15:
Digital health service
- 16:
Family Support Service
- 17:
- 18:
Tertiary Education institution
- 19:
Housing service
- 20:
- 21:
- 98:
N/A - Self referral
- 99:
Not stated
- Notes:
Medical Specialist Consulting Rooms includes private medical practitioner rooms in public or private hospital or other settings.
Public mental health service refers to a state- or territory-funded specialised mental health services (i.e., specialised mental health care delivered in public acute and psychiatric hospital settings, community mental health care services, and specialised residential mental health care services).
Not applicable should only be selected in instances of Self referral.
Where there is a linked intake and treatment, both the Intake and Episode records must use the same referrer organisation type - ie the intake service is NOT the referrer.
5.4.111. Referrer Profession
Profession of the provider who referred the client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
General Practitioner
- 2:
- 3:
- 4:
- 5:
Other Medical Specialist
- 6:
- 7:
Maternal Health Nurse
- 8:
- 9:
Mental Health Nurse
- 10:
Social Worker
- 11:
Occupational therapist
- 12:
Aboriginal Health Worker
- 13:
Educational professional
- 14:
Early childhood service worker
- 15:
- 98:
N/A - Self referral
- 99:
Not stated
- Notes:
New arrangements for some services delivered in primary mental health care allows clients to refer themselves for treatment. Therefore, ‘Self’ is a response option included within ‘Referrer profession’.
Where there is a linked intake and treatment, both the Intake and Episode records must use the same referrer profession - ie the intake service is not the referrer.
5.4.112. SDQ Collection Occasion - Version
The version of the SDQ collected.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- PC101:
Parent Report Measure 4-10 yrs, Baseline version, Australian Version 1
- PC201:
Parent Report Measure 4-10 yrs, Follow Up version, Australian Version 1
- PY101:
Parent Report Measure 11-17 yrs, Baseline version, Australian Version 1
- PY201:
Parent Report Measure 11-17 yrs, Follow Up version, Australian Version 1
- YR101:
Self report Version, 11-17 years, Baseline version, Australian Version 1
- YR201:
Self report Version, 11-17 years, Follow Up version, Australian Version 1
- Notes:
Domain values align with those collected in the NOCC dataset as defined at https://webval.validator.com.au/spec/NOCC/current/SDQ/SDQVer
5.4.113. SDQ - Conduct Problem Scale
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Conduct Problem Scale.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.114. SDQ - Emotional Symptoms Scale
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Emotional Symptoms Scale.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.115. SDQ - Hyperactivity Scale
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Hyperactivity Scale.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.116. SDQ - Impact Score
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Impact Score.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.117. SDQ - Peer Problem Scale
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 10, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Peer Problem Scale.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.119. SDQ - Question 1
Parent Report: Considerate of other people’s feelings.
Youth Self Report: I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.120. SDQ - Question 2
Parent Report: Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long.
Youth Self Report: I am restless, I cannot stay still for long.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.121. SDQ - Question 3
Parent Report: Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness.
Youth Self Report: I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.122. SDQ - Question 4
Parent Report: Shares readily with other children {for example toys, treats, pencils} / young people {for example CDs, games, food}.
Youth Self Report: I usually share with others, for examples CDs, games, food.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.123. SDQ - Question 5
Parent Report: Often loses temper.
Youth Self Report: I get very angry and often lose my temper.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.124. SDQ - Question 6
Parent Report: {Rather solitary, prefers to play alone} / {would rather be alone than with other young people}.
Youth Self Report: I would rather be alone than with people of my age.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.125. SDQ - Question 7
Parent Report: {Generally well behaved} / {Usually does what adults requests}.
Youth Self Report: I usually do as I am told.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.126. SDQ - Question 8
Parent Report: Many worries or often seems worried.
Youth Self Report: I worry a lot.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.127. SDQ - Question 9
Parent Report: Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill.
Youth Self Report: I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.128. SDQ - Question 10
Parent Report: Constantly fidgeting or squirming.
Youth Self Report: I am constantly fidgeting or squirming.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.129. SDQ - Question 11
Parent Report: Has at least one good friend.
Youth Self Report: I have one good friend or more.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.130. SDQ - Question 12
Parent Report: Often fights with other {children} or bullies them / {young people}.
Youth Self Report: I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.131. SDQ - Question 13
Parent Report: Often unhappy, depressed or tearful.
Youth Self Report: I am often unhappy, depressed or tearful.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.132. SDQ - Question 14
Parent Report: Generally liked by other {children} / {young people}
Youth Self Report: Other people my age generally like me.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.133. SDQ - Question 15
Parent Report: Easily distracted, concentration wanders.
Youth Self Report: I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.134. SDQ - Question 16
Parent Report: Nervous or {clingy} in new situations, easily loses confidence {omit clingy in PY}.
Youth Self Report: I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.135. SDQ - Question 17
Parent Report: Kind to younger children.
Youth Self Report: I am kind to younger people.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.136. SDQ - Question 18
Parent Report: Often lies or cheats.
Youth Self Report: I am often accused of lying or cheating.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.137. SDQ - Question 19
Parent Report: Picked on or bullied by {children} / {youth}.
Youth Self Report: Other children or young people pick on me or bully me.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.138. SDQ - Question 20
Parent Report: Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, {other} children) / Omit ‘other’ in PY.
Youth Self Report: I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, children).
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.139. SDQ - Question 21
Parent Report: Thinks things out before acting.
Youth Self Report: I think before I do things.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.140. SDQ - Question 22
Parent Report: Steals from home, school or elsewhere.
Youth Self Report: I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.141. SDQ - Question 23
Parent Report: Gets along better with adults than with other {children} / {youth}.
Youth Self Report: I get along better with adults than with people my own age.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.142. SDQ - Question 24
Parent Report: Many fears, easily scared.
Youth Self Report: I have many fears, I am easily scared.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.143. SDQ - Question 25
Parent Report: Good attention span sees chores or homework through to the end.
Youth Self Report: I finish the work I’m doing. My attention is good.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not True
- 1:
Somewhat True
- 2:
Certainly True
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.144. SDQ - Question 26
Parent Report: Overall, do you think that your child has difficulties in any of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get along with other people?
Youth Self Report: Overall, do you think that you have difficulties in any of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get along with other people?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
Yes - minor difficulties
- 2:
Yes - definite difficulties
- 3:
Yes - severe difficulties
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.145. SDQ - Question 27
Parent Report: How long have these difficulties been present?
Youth Self Report: How long have these difficulties been present?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Less than a month
- 1:
1-5 months
- 2:
6-12 months
- 3:
Over a year
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: - PC101 - PY101 - YR101
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.146. SDQ - Question 28
Parent Report: Do the difficulties upset or distress your child?
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties upset or distress you?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.147. SDQ - Question 29
Parent Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas? HOME LIFE.
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas? HOME LIFE.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.148. SDQ - Question 30
Parent Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas? FRIENDSHIPS.
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas? FRIENDSHIPS.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.149. SDQ - Question 31
Parent Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas? CLASSROOM LEARNING.
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas? CLASSROOM LEARNING
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.150. SDQ - Question 32
Parent Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your child’s everyday life in the following areas? LEISURE ACTIVITIES.
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties interfere with your everyday life in the following areas? LEISURE ACTIVITIES.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.151. SDQ - Question 33
Parent Report: Do the difficulties put a burden on you or the family as a whole?
Youth Self Report: Do the difficulties make it harder for those around you (family, friends, teachers, etc)?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions: All
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.152. SDQ - Question 34
Parent Report: Since coming to the services, are your child’s problems:
Youth Self Report: ‘Since coming to the service, are your problems:
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Much worse
- 1:
A bit worse
- 2:
About the same
- 3:
A bit better
- 4:
Much better
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.153. SDQ - Question 35
Has coming to the service been helpful in other ways eg. providing information or making the problems bearable?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
Not at all
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A medium amount
- 3:
A great deal
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.154. SDQ - Question 36
Over the last 6 months have your child’s teachers complained of fidgetiness, restlessness or overactivity?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.155. SDQ - Question 37
Over the last 6 months have your child’s teachers complained of poor concentration or being easily distracted?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.156. SDQ - Question 38
Over the last 6 months have your child’s teachers complained of acting without thinking, frequently butting in, or not waiting for his or her turn?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.157. SDQ - Question 39
Does your family complain about you having problems with overactivity or poor concentration?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.158. SDQ - Question 40
Do your teachers complain about you having problems with overactivity or poor concentration?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.159. SDQ - Question 41
Does your family complain about you being awkward or troublesome?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.160. SDQ - Question 42
Do your teachers complain about you being awkward or troublesome?
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
- 1:
A little
- 2:
A lot
- 7:
Unable to rate (insufficient information)
- 8:
Not applicable (collection not required - item not included in the version collected, or SDQ Item 26 = 0)
- 9:
Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
Required Versions:
When reporting subscale and total scores use ‘9 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.162. SDQ - Total Difficulties Score
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
0 - 40, 99 = Not stated / Missing
- Notes:
See SDQ items and Scale Summary scores for instructions on scoring the Total Difficulties Score.
When reporting individual item scores use ‘99 - Not stated / Missing’.
5.4.163. Service Contact Date
The date of each mental health service contact between a health service provider and patient/client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
For Date fields, data must be recorded in compliance with the standard format used across the National Health Data Dictionary; specifically, dates must be of fixed 8 column width in the format DDMMYYYY, with leading zeros used when necessary to pad out a value. For instance, 13th March 2008 would appear as 13032008.
The service contact date must not be before 1st January 2014.
The service contact date must not be in the future.
5.4.164. Service Contact Key
This is a number or code assigned to each service contact. The Service Contact Key is unique and stable for each service contact at the level of the Provider Organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
PMHC MDS keys are case sensitive and must have between 2-50 valid unicode characters. Keys must start with A-Za-z0-9 (POSIX :alnum:).
Where data is being exported from client systems, these keys can be auto generated, providing that a key does not change once it is assigned.
Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the Provider Organisation level and must persist across time. Creation of keys in this way allows records to be merged (where duplicate keys of the same record type have been identified) without having to re-allocate keys since they can never clash.
A recommended approach for the creation of keys is to compute random UUIDs.
5.4.165. Service Contact Practitioner Key
This is a number or code assigned to each service contact practitioner. The Service Contact Practitioner Key is unique and stable for each service contact practitioner at the level of the Provider Organisation.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (2,50)
- Required:
- Notes:
PMHC MDS keys are case sensitive and must have between 2-50 valid unicode characters. Keys must start with A-Za-z0-9 (POSIX :alnum:).
Where data is being exported from client systems, these keys can be auto generated, providing that a key does not change once it is assigned.
Keys must be generated by the organisation to be unique at the Provider Organisation level and must persist across time. Creation of keys in this way allows records to be merged (where duplicate keys of the same record type have been identified) without having to re-allocate keys since they can never clash.
A recommended approach for the creation of keys is to compute random UUIDs.
5.4.167. Service Contact Type
The main type of service provided in the service contact, as represented by the service type that accounted for most provider time.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
No contact took place
- 1:
- 2:
Structured psychological intervention
- 3:
Other psychological intervention
- 4:
Clinical care coordination/liaison
- 5:
Clinical nursing services
- 6:
Child or youth specific assistance NEC
- 7:
Suicide prevention specific assistance NEC
- 8:
Cultural specific assistance NEC
- 9:
Psychosocial support
- 98:
- Notes:
Describes the main type of service delivered in the contact, selected from a defined list of categories. Where more than service type was provided select that which accounted for most provider time. Service providers are required to report on Service Type for all Service Contacts.
Note: NEC is used for ‘Not Elsewhere Classified’. For these records, only use these service types if they cannot be classified by any of the other service options.
- 0 - No contact took place
Only use this code where the service contact is recorded as a no show.
- 1 - Assessment
Determination of a person’s mental health status and need for mental health services, made by a suitably trained mental health professional, based on the collection and evaluation of data obtained through interview and observation, of a person’s history and presenting problem(s). Assessment may include consultation with the person’s family and concludes with formation of problems/issues, documentation of a preliminary diagnosis, and a treatment plan.
- 2 - Structured psychological intervention
Those interventions which include a structured interaction between a client and a service provider using a recognised, psychological method, for example, cognitive behavioural techniques, family therapy or psycho education counselling. These are recognised, structured or published techniques for the treatment of mental ill-health. Structured psychological interventions are designed to alleviate psychological distress or emotional disturbance, change maladaptive behaviour and foster mental health. Structured psychological therapies can be delivered on either an individual or group basis, typically in an office or community setting. They may be delivered by trained mental health professionals or other individuals with appropriate competencies but who do not meet the requirements for registration, credentialing or recognition as a mental health professional. Structured Psychological Therapies include but are not limited to:
Psycho-education (including motivational interviewing)
Cognitive-behavioural therapies
Relaxation strategies
Skills training
Interpersonal therapy
- 3 - Other psychological intervention
Psychological interventions that do not meet criteria for structured psychological intervention.
- 4 - Clinical care coordination/liaison
Activities focused on working in partnership and liaison with other health care and service providers and other individuals to coordinate and integrate service delivery to the client with the aim of improving their clinical outcomes. Consultation and liaison may occur with primary health care providers, acute health, emergency services, rehabilitation and support services, family, friends, other support people and carers and other agencies that have some level of responsibility for the client’s treatment and/or well being.
- 5 - Clinical nursing services
Services delivered by mental health nurses that cannot be described elsewhere. Typically, these aim to provide clinical support to clients to effectively manage their symptoms and avoid unnecessary hospitalisation. Clinical nursing services include:
monitoring a client’s mental state;
liaising closely with family and carers as appropriate;
administering and monitoring compliance with medication;
providing information on physical health care, as required and, where appropriate, assist in addressing the physical health inequities of people with mental illness; and
improving links to other health professionals/clinical service providers.
- 6 - Child or youth-specific assistance NEC
Services delivered to, or on behalf, of a child or young person that cannot be described elsewhere. These can include, for example, working with a child’s teacher to provide advice on assisting the child in their educational environment; working with a young person’s employer to assist the young person to their work environment.
Note: This code should only be used for Service Contacts that cannot be described by any other Service Type. It is expected that the majority of Service Contacts delivered to children and young people can be assigned to other categories.
- 7 - Suicide prevention specific assistance NEC
Services delivered to, or on behalf, of a client who presents with risk of suicide that cannot be described elsewhere. These can include, for example, working with the person’s employers to advise on changes in the workplace; working with a young person’s teacher to assist the child in their school environment; or working with relevant community-based groups to assist the client to participate in their activities.
Note: This code should only be used for Service Contacts that cannot be described by any other Service Type. It is expected that the majority of Service Contacts delivered to client’s who have a risk of suicide can be assigned to other categories.
- 8 - Cultural specific assistance NEC
Culturally appropriate services delivered to, or on behalf, of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander client that cannot be described elsewhere. These can include, for example, working with the client’s community support network including family and carers, men’s and women’s groups, traditional healers, interpreters and social and emotional wellbeing counsellors.
Note: This code should only be used for Service Contacts that cannot be described by any other Service Type. It is expected that the majority of Service Contacts (see domains below) delivered to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander clients can be assigned to other categories.
- 9 - Psychosocial support
Service providers are required to report on Service Contact Type for every contact with a client. This requires a judgement about the main service delivered at each contact, selected from a small list of options, and based on the activity that accounted for most provider time. Service Contact Type complements Principal Focus of Treatment Plan by capturing information to understand the mix of services provided within an individual episode of care.
Service Contact Type should be coded as Psychosocial Support (code 9) where the main services delivered during the contact involved the delivery of psychosocial support services. Psychosocial support services are defined for PMHC MDS purposes as services that focus on building capacity and stability in one or more of the following areas:
social skills and friendships, family connections;
managing daily living needs;
financial management and budgeting;
finding and maintaining a home;
vocational skills and goals, including volunteering;
educational and training goals;
maintaining physical wellbeing, including exercise;
building broader life skills including confidence and resilience.
These services are usually delivered by a range of non-clinical providers including peer support workers with lived experience of mental illness.
Service Contacts recorded as psychosocial support may be delivered in all episodes of care, regardless of episode type. However, it is expected that they will be mainly associated with episodes where the Principal Focus of Treatment Plan is classified as Psychosocial Support.
- 98 - ATAPS
Services delivered as part of ATAPS funded referrals that are recorded and/or migrated into the PMHC MDS.
Note: This code should only be used for Service Contacts that are migrated from ATAPS MDS sources that cannot be described by any other Service Type. It is expected that the majority of Service Contacts delivered to clients from 1st July, 2017 can be assigned to other categories.
This response will not be allowed on service contacts delivered after 30 June 2018. (All ATAPS referrals should have concluded by that date).
This response will only be allowed on service contacts with the !ATAPS flag.
5.4.168. Source of Cash Income
The source from which a person derives the greatest proportion of his/her income, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 0:
N/A - Client aged less than 16 years
- 1:
Disability Support Pension
- 2:
Other pension or benefit (not superannuation)
- 3:
Paid employment
- 4:
Compensation payments
- 5:
Other (e.g. superannuation, investments etc.)
- 6:
Nil income
- 7:
Not known
- 9:
Not stated/inadequately described
- Notes:
This data standard is not applicable to person’s aged less than 16 years.
This item refers to the source by which a person derives most (equal to or greater than 50%) of his/her income. If the person has multiple sources of income and none are equal to or greater than 50%, the one which contributes the largest percentage should be counted.
This item refers to a person’s own main source of income, not that of a partner or of other household members. If it is difficult to determine a ‘main source of income’ over the reporting period (i.e. it may vary over time) please report the main source of income during the reference week.
Code 7 ‘Not known’ should only be recorded when it has not been possible for the service user or their carer/family/advocate to provide the information (i.e. they have been asked but do not know).
5.4.169. Start Time
The start time of each mental health service contact between a health service provider and patient/client.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
Notes: Indicates the time at which the Service Contact began. Time should be recorded in 24-hour time in the format HH:MM. Leading zeroes are accepted but not required. For example, 8:30 in the morning could be 8:30 or 08:30 and 3:45 in the afternoon would be 15:45.
The end-of-day flag “24:00” may be used as a missing time value for any existing Service Contacts that have previously been added to the MDS without a start time. See Service Contact for rules on how the end-of-day value may be used.
5.4.170. State
The state that the provider organisation operates in.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
New South Wales
- 2:
- 3:
- 4:
South Australia
- 5:
Western Australia
- 6:
- 7:
Northern Territory
- 8:
Australian Capital Territory
- 9:
Other Territories
- Notes:
Name is taken from Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) July 2011.
Code is from Meteor with the addition of code for Other Territories.
5.4.171. Statistical Linkage Key
A key that enables two or more records belonging to the same individual to be brought together.
- Field name:
- Data type:
string (14,40)
- Required:
- Notes:
System generated non-identifiable alphanumeric code derived from information held by the PMHC organisation.
- Supported formats:
14 character SLK
a Crockford encoded sha1 hash of a 14 character SLK. This must be 32 characters in length.
a hex encoded sha1 hash of a 14 character SLK. This must be 40 characters in length.
SLK values are stored in sha1_hex format.
5.4.172. Suicide Referral Flag
Identifies those individuals where a recent history of suicide attempt, or suicide risk, was a factor noted in the referral that underpinned the person’s needs for assistance at intake or entry to the episode, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
- 2:
- 9:
- Notes:
Where there is a linked intake and treatment, both the Intake and Episode records must use the same suicide referral flag.
5.4.173. Value
The metadata value.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Notes:
Please refer to Metadata file for an example of the metadata file/worksheet that must be used with this specification.
5.4.174. Venue
Where the service contact was delivered, as represented by a code.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- 1:
Client’s Home
- 2:
Service provider’s office
- 3:
GP Practice
- 4:
Other medical practice
- 5:
Headspace Centre
- 6:
Other primary care setting
- 7:
Public or private hospital
- 8:
Residential aged care facility
- 9:
School or other educational centre
- 10:
Client’s Workplace
- 11:
- 12:
Aged care centre - non-residential
- 98:
Not applicable (Service Contact Modality is not face to face)
- 99:
Not stated
- Notes:
Note that this data item concerns only where the service contact took place. It is not about where the client lives. Thus, if a resident of an aged care residential facility is seen at another venue (e.g., at a GP Clinic), then the Service Contact Venue should be recorded as ‘GP Practice’ (code 3) to accurately reflect where the contact took place.
Values other than ‘98 - Not applicable’ only to be specified when Service Contact Modality is ‘Face to Face’.
- 6 - Other primary care setting
This code is suitable for primary care settings such as community health centres.
- 8 - Residential aged care facility
Use this code when the client is seen at an aged care residential facility.
- 12 - Aged care centre - non-residential
Use this code when the client is seen at a non-residential aged care centre (e.g., community day program centre for older people).
- 98 - Not applicable (Service Contact Modality is not face to face)
This code must only to be used where the Service Contact Modality is not face to face
All other data items would be recorded as per the guidelines that apply to those items – there are no special requirements specific to delivery of services to residents of aged care facilities. For example, any of the episode of care types recorded under the Principal Focus of Treatment Plan may apply; similarly, service contacts delivered to aged care residents may be any of the options available in Service Contact Type field.
5.4.175. Year of Birth
The year the practitioner was born.
- Field name:
- Data type:
- Required:
- Domain:
- Notes:
The year of birth must not be in the future.
The year of birth must be after 1900.
If the year of birth is unknown, the following approaches should be used:
If the age of the practitioner is known, the age should be used to derive the year of birth
If the age of the practitioner is unknown, an estimated age of the practitioner should be used to estimate a year of birth
If the date of birth is totally unknown, use 9999.
5.5. Download Specification Files
Available for software developers designing extracts for the PMHC MDS, please click the link below to download the PMHC MDS Specification files:
These files conform to the CSV on the Web (CSVW) standard that is defined at https://csvw.org/.
They are used:
to generate the Record formats and Definitions sections of the data specification documentation
in the first pass of upload validations