.. _phn-po-documentation:
PHN and Service Providers Resources
The following resources have been provided to assist PMHC MDS users at Primary Health Networks and Service
.. contents::
:depth: 2
.. _user-documentation:
User Documentation
The `PMHC MDS User Documentation `__ provides MDS users with online guidance
on how to navigate and use the MDS once they have been granted access and assigned
user roles at an organisation in the MDS. It also provides information about
the counting rules used to produce the various reports.
PMHC MDS Data Specifications
The :ref:`data-specifications` documentation site defines what data items are
collected in the PMHC MDS, what file formats are accepted for upload and associated
reporting requirements.
.. _questions-and-answers:
Ongoing questions and answers
`The ongoing questions and answers document `__
provides the Department's responses to issues raised by PHNs
about the PMHC MDS. It will be updated regularly as new issues are raised by
PMHC MDS users.
.. _client-consent-guidance:
Guidance on client consent
`The guidance on client consent (April 2024) <_static/pmhc-consent-guidance-20240430.pdf>`__ provides suggested wording that PHNs may
wish to include in client consent forms provided to referrers and
providers to obtain consent from their clients for anonymised data to be
supplied to the PHN and the Department of Health for statistical purposes in
planning and improving mental health services.
.. _iar-dst:
Inital Assessment and Referral Decision Suport Tool (IAR-DST)
With the introduction of the PMHC MDS Version 4 data specifiction, the `IAR-DST `__
can now be collected as part of the Intake process.
.. _outcome-measures:
Outcome measures and scoring rules
The following resources provide examples of each of the outcome measures and an
explanation of how they are scored.
Kessler 10+ (K10+)
`Scoring the Kessler-10 Plus <_static/pmhc-scoring-k10p.pdf>`__ provides a copy of the K10+ and an
explanation of how it is scored.
Kessler 5 (K5)
`Scoring the Kessler-5 <_static/pmhc-scoring-k5.pdf>`__ provides a copy of the K5 and an
explanation of how it is scored.
.. _sdq:
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief questionnaire
for 4-17 year olds developed by Goodman et al in the United Kingdom.
The SDQ has 25 items divided between 5 scales: emotional symptoms,
conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems a
nd prosocial behaviour.
Read a `brief overview of the SDQ `__.
The SDQ measures are copyright protected with copyright held by Robert
Goodman of the UK-based Youthinmind organisation (https://youthinmind.com/).
Specific conditions are attached to use of the SDQ measures, detailed at
https://sdqinfo.org/. These include the requirement that no modifications are
made to the content in any way. Paper versions may be downloaded and copied without
charge subject to adherence to this condition.
While the paper forms may be downloaded and completed/scored manually, Youthinmind
offers a commercial automated scoring service that requires users to register and pay
on a per-use basis. Strict conditions are imposed to prevent users from creating or
distributing electronic versions of the SDQ measures without specific agreement by Youthinmind.
The Australian Government Department of Health has entered into a licence agreement
with Youthinmind to make available Australian versions of the SDQ that have been mandated
for Australian Specialised and Primary Mental Health Care settings. These versions contain
extra questions than the standard versions provided by Youthinmind. It is these versions
are used for the PMHC MDS. They can be downloaded from the links below:
* `P4-10 (PC101) <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-PC101-rev1.pdf>`__
* `P4-10 (PC201) FOLLOW-UP <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-PC201-rev1.pdf>`__
* `P11-17 (PY101) <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-PY101-rev1.pdf>`__
* `P11-17 (PY201) FOLLOW-UP <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-PY201-rev1.pdf>`__
* `S11-17 (YR101) <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-YR101-rev1.pdf>`__
* `S11-17 (YR201) FOLLOW-UP <_static/sdq/Aust-SDQ-YR201-rev1.pdf>`__
`Scoring the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire <_static/sdq/pmhc-scoring-sdq.pdf>`__ provides
an explanation of how the SDQ is scored.
.. _experience-measures:
Experience measures
YES PHN Survey
The YES PHN can be collected and stored in the
or collected separately and uploaded to the PMHC MDS.
The following documents are available via `AMHOCN `__ to assist with implementing the YES PHN:
* `Your Experience of Service Primary Health Network (YES PHN) Survey `__
* `Your Experience of Service Primary Health Network Survey Guidance for Use `__
* `Development of the Your Experience of Service (YES) Survey for Primary Health Networks (PHNs) `__
* `Reporting domains of the experience of service measures: YES, YES CMO, YES PHN, CES `__
.. _omsss:
Online Measures Self Service System (OMSSS)
The `OMSSS `__ is an online service funded by the Australian Government
Department of Health and Aged Care (the department) as part of the Primary Mental Health Care
Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS). It allows clients of PHN-commissioned mental health services to
complete the standardised measures mandated in the PMHC MDS and have the results reported
back to their service providers.
.. _overview:
Overview of purpose, design, scope and key decision issues
`The overview paper <_static/pmhc-mds-overview.pdf>`__ is a historical document that outlines the approach taken
in the design of the PMHC MDS and associated reporting arrangements.
.. _quick-reference-guide:
Service Provider Quick Reference Guide
The Primary Mental Healthcare Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS) Service Provider QUICK
REFERENCE Guide is a resource intended to describe key issues and concepts related to the collection of, and provision of data to, the PMHC MDS for mental health service providers. For
more detailed information regarding the PMHC MDS, see the :ref:`data-specifications`.
There are two versions of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide:
* If you are a service provider, it is recommended that you use the
`PDF version of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide <_static/service-provider-quick-reference-guide.pdf>`__
produced by the Department of Health.
* If you are a Primary Health Network, you can use the
`Word version of the PMHC MDS Service Provider Quick Reference Guide <_static/service-provider-quick-reference-guide-template.docx>`__
to tailor some of the information to your local context.
.. _mailing-list:
PMHC MDS News Mailing list
If you would like to be notified about updates to the specifications or
announcements about the development of the PMHC MDS please send an email to
`support@pmhc-mds.com `__ with the
subject "Subscribe news@lists.pmhc-mds.com".
This is not a general discussion list. Only moderated users can send
messages to this list.