Upload user guide

HeadtoHelp is an extension of the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS); current PMHC MDS Data online User Guide for Upload is available to be viewed at https://docs.pmhc-mds.com/user-documentation/upload.html.

Creating upload files

To create HeadtoHelp files that fit the PMHC MDS specifications, please visit the Upload specification for the ‘File Types’, ‘HeadtoHelp Data Types’, ‘File Format’ requirements, along with ‘Example Files’.

This information for creating upload files is available at Upload specification.

Upload users

You will only be able to see the Upload tab if you have been assigned the ‘Upload’ role, when logged into the PMHC MDS on https://pmhc-mds.net.

If you don’t have access to the Upload tab and you believe you should, please contact someone in your provider organisation or provider organisation’s PHN who has the ‘User Management’ role.

See: MDS roles available for HeadtoHelp users.

Uploading HeadtoHelp data

HeadtoHelp is an extension of the Primary Mental Health Care Minimum Data Set (PMHC MDS); the current PMHC MDS online User Guide can be followed to upload HeadtoHelp data.

Information on ‘Uploading a file’, ‘Test Modes’, ‘Viewing uploads’, and ‘error messages’, is available in the PMHC MDS online User Guide at https://docs.pmhc-mds.com/user-documentation/upload.html.